**Submissions for the spring 2012 issue is OPEN. The final deadline is on March 16th, 2012.**

All submissions:

Please submit each piece (prose, poem, or image) as a separate file. We prefer to review each work individually, and this assists our organization. It also helps to ensure that we don't overlook any of your pieces.

We are an MIT-funded and student-run publication, and the MIT community is our primary audience. However, we are happy to consider external submissions, and in the past we have printed pieces from both inside and outside the MIT community.


Please send your digital or traditional artwork to rune-art@mit.edu.

If necessary, you may submit low-resolution versions of your pieces for consideration. We will request a high-resolution version of the image if your piece is accepted.

Preferred formats for art submissions are JPEG (.jpg) and PNG. Please do NOT submit Adobe Photoshop documents (.psd) or as a GIF.


Please send poetry or prose submissions to rune-lit@mit.edu.

Submissions should be in a legible 12-point font. We have no official length restrictions, but space considerations are a factor in determining which pieces to publish. Shorter pieces are more likely to be accepted, though we will certainly still consider longer works.

Please send all submissions in Microsoft Word (.doc), or Rich Text (.rtf) format. We prefer NOT to receive submissions in PDF or Word 2007 (.docx) format.