Russian Movie Nights


Coming Up:

Russian animated cartoons
Friday, February 12, at 8:00 PM
in room 4-149 (MIT building 4, first floor).

On Friday, February 12 we will have this year's opening of our cinema club. Our first session will be devoted to Russian animation. We will start with animation of Soviet period: "Plasticine Crow", "Tale of tales" ("Skazka skazok", by Yuriy Norshteyn) and "Flying ship". Afterward, we will continue with modern cartoons, "Gora Samotsvetov" and "My Love" by A. Petrov.

The event will be at 4-149 at 8 pm. The event is free of charge. Animation is in Russian, unfortunately it comes without English subtitles.


The Cranes are Flying (Летят Журавли)
Monday, December 14, at 8:00 PM
in room 4-237 (MIT building 4, second floor).

"Ballad of a Soldier" (Баллада о Солдате)
Tuesday, December 1, at 8:00 PM
in room 4-145 (MIT building 4, first floor).