Eleanor Catlyng

(Order of the Daystar, Order of the Moon, AoA, Order of the Silver Crescent)

1992: Joined the SCA in Boston while going to Boston University.
Started attending fencing practice.
Started attending dance practice.
Began doing scribal work.
Began attending events locally and throughout the kingdom.
1994: Became Burrough of Southebanke Secretary
Began attending Council regularly.
Regularly informed Burrough Members of activities via email list.
1995: Became Burrough of Southebanke Provost.
Organized several Burrough demos.
Arranged for Burrough members to travel to local activities and events.
Joined the regular staff of the Poulet Gauche.
Regularly informed Burrough Members of activities via email list.
1996: Received Award of Arms.
Attended first Pennsic.
Became Chronicler with Jehan.
Created booklet for KWA&S.
Co-Stage Manager for Taming of the Shrew.
1997: Became Deputy Seneschale under Catrin.
Reservation clerk and gate organizer for Poulet Gauche.
1998: Co-Stage Manager for The Tempest.
Took over Chronicler position with assistance.
1999: Took over complete running of Minuscule.
2000: Assistant Stage Manager for Shakespeare Revue.
Received Silver Crescent.
Updated Magistra Information Sheets for Demo.
Regularly attended Middle Eastern Dance Practice.
2001: Gate organizer for Scribal Symposium.
Minuscule nominated for William Blackfox Award.
2002: Gate organizer for Investiture.

* Daystar and Moon (somewhere along the way.)

Throughout my time in the SCA, I have taken most pride in volunteering. I have been a regular volunteer at events (local and otherwise) throughout my time in the SCA, working in kitchens, at gate, for clean up, for set up, and so on. Although I have never autocratted an event, I have been involved in nearly every aspect of event running. In addition, I have often done last minute scribal duty at events (including Pennsic) as well as regular longer term assignments (though less recently.) As a Burrough officer, I spent many evenings and weekends arranging for members to get to practices and events.

Mundanely, I am a high school teacher of students with special needs. I believe that my professional experience gives me additional perspective on the communication, cooperation, and coordination that being Seneschale requires.

Finally, I request that you send questions that may be of a more personal nature to me privately.

Eleanor Catlyng
(Lisa A. Goldthwaite)
(m) 617-872-3209
(h) 508-875-5866

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