2011 SDHS Proceedings: Formatting Instructions for Presenters


1.  Deadline and submission procedure
2.  Producing a pdf file
3.  Order of sections
4.  Page and filesize limit
5.  Dimensions
6.  Paper size and margins
7.  Headers, footers, and page numbers
8.  Font styles and sizes
9.  Title, author's name, and institutional affiliation
10.  Text layout and spacing
11.  Tables and figures
12.  Copyright Statement
13.  Acknowledgements
14.  Endnotes
15.  Bibliography
16.  Address for correspondence

All presenters at the 2011 SDHS conference are invited, and encouraged, to submit papers for inclusion in the unedited conference proceedings. Those who presented workshops or lecture-demonstration may submit transcriptions or summaries of their presentations. Each submission should be an accurate record of the conference presentation it represents and not an expanded revision.
The proceedings will be made available online via the SDHS website, with each paper as a separate pdf file. Formatting requirements take into account the desire for online accessibility, as well as the wish to produce a uniform, high-quality publication without imposing undue constraints on authors. Please note especially the following minimal guidelines:

  • Paper size should be US letter (8.5 × 11 inches).
  • Page margins should be 1.25 inches left and right, 1 inch top and bottom.
  • Text should be right- and left-justified.
  • Text should be single-spaced. There should be approximately five lines of text per inch.
  • Times is the preferred font for body text, with Times New Roman as second choice.

Detailed formatting guidelines are below. A sample paper is available at http://web.mit.edu/sdhs/proceedings/samples/proc-sample-2011.pdf. Versions of approximately the same sample paper, as .odt and .doc files, are available at http://web.mit.edu/sdhs/proceedings/samples/proc-sample-2011.odt and http://web.mit.edu/sdhs/proceedings/samples/proc-sample-2011.doc. You may wish to use one of these documents as a template, as they are set up with formatting and styles defined according to the guidelines.
Papers that do not adhere to the guidelines may not be included in the proceedings. Questions about the 2011 proceedings may be addressed to Ken Pierce (kpierce@mit.edu).

1  Deadline and submission procedure

The deadline for submissions is August 5, 2011. Please prepare your paper as a pdf file (see Section 2., "Producing a pdf file") and submit it online according to the instructions at http://web.mit.edu/sdhs/proceedings/submitting.html.

2  Producing a pdf file

Your paper should be submitted as a pdf file, with fonts embedded (as subset). This is the surest way to avoid inadvertent formatting changes or font substitutions caused, for example, by different versions of word-processing software.
There are several possible approaches to producing a pdf file, depending on your operating system and the format of your dacument. On an Apple computer running Mac OS X, it should be possible to print directly to a pdf. For a computer running Windows, there are various options, including an add-on for Microsoft Office that allows saving a file as a pdf. OpenOffice.org-which is open-source and available for a variety of platforms, including Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux-includes "Export as pdf" as a standard option. PrimoPDF offers free software to create pdfs in Windows; to embed fonts, choose the "prepress" creation profile.
If you run into difficulty or have questions about generating your pdf, feel free to contact Ken Pierce (kpierce@mit.edu). He will do his best to help.

3  Order of sections

See the sample paper. Formatting details are provided below.

4  Page and filesize limit

Your paper should be an accurate record of your conference presentation and not an expanded revision. Please make every effort to limit the size of the file you submit.

5  Dimensions

Most word-processing or typesetting software will allow you to specify dimensions in inches. Please do so in specifying page size and margins, rather than attempting to convert to other units like centimeters or points.

6  Paper size and margins

Please format your paper as follows:
Paper size US Letter paper, 8.5 × 11 inches.
Right and left margins 1.25 inches
Top and bottom margins 1 inch
Text width 6 inches
Text height 9 inches

7  Headers, footers, and page numbers

Do not include headers, footers, or page numbers. These will be added separately. Any text in the margins will be removed.

8  Font styles and sizes

Please use Times as your default font if it is available; otherwise use something similar, such as Times New Roman. Times is preferred since it provides ligatures (fl, fi, ...). The body of the document should have approximately five lines of text per inch. The table below provides guidelines for font size and style, and for title format. Default is medium weight, upright. Paragraphs should be justified except as noted.
Table 1: Font sizes and styles
Text Point size Type Paragraph style
Title 14 point bold centered
Author line 14 point bold, italic centered
Institution line 12 point
Abstract heading 12 point bold, italic
Section headings 12 point bold
Subsection headings 12 point bold, italic
Subsubsection headings 12 point italic
Abstract text 12 point italic
Copyright statement 11 point flush right
Endnotes 11 point
Bibliography 11 point hanging indent: .25 inches
Address for correspondence 11 point flush left
Superscripts and supscripts 9 point
All other text 12 point

9  Title, author's name, and institutional affiliation

The title of the paper, author, and author's institutional affiliation (optional) should be centered at the top of the first page. There should be a single line space between title and author's name, and no extra space between author's name and institutional affiliation.

10  Text layout and spacing

Leave approximately two line spaces between the end of a section and the new section heading, and approximately one line space after the section heading. For lengthy quotations, indent both sides .25" and leave a line space before and after the quotation.
The first line of a paragraph that follows a section (or subsection, or subsubsection) header should not be indented, but the first line of each subsequent paragraph should be indented .25" at the left. (See the sample paper.)

11  Tables and figures

Your paper may include embedded tables and figures (charts, graphs, pictures, etc.). Keep the layout of tables simple. Avoid the use of heavy lines and boxes. To make sure that all labels in figures are clearly legible use at least a 9 point type. Be aware that thin lines may not display well onscreen. Be sure to preview your figures and images onscreen before submitting your paper. We cannot guarantee the quality of the final printed piece.
Tables and figures, no matter how wide, should have no text on either side of them. In other words, do not flow text around tables or figures. Captions should go above tables, but beneath figures.
Color may be used in figures included in the pdf file, which will be available online, but please make sure that figures are legible when reproduced in greyscale. You may wish to use a tool like that at http://www.paciellogroup.com/resources/contrast-analyser.html to evaluate your choice of colors. The article at http://www.lighthouse.org/accessibility/design/accessible-print-design/effective-color-contrast may also be useful.

12  Copyright Statement

The copyright statement should appear at the end of body of text, set flush right in 11 point type (e.g. Copyright 2011, Sally Jones).

13  Acknowledgements

The section title "Acknowledgements" (12 point type, bold face) should be used if you wish to include a brief acknowledgement statement (two or three sentences at most).

14  Endnotes

Please use endnotes, not footnotes, set in 11 point type and enumerated with arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.). Endnote numbers that appear (as superscripts) in the text should be 9 point type.

15  Bibliography

The first line of each citation should be aligned to left margin, with subsequent lines indented 0.25 inch. Citations should be set in 11 point type.

16  Address for correspondence

If you are comfortble doing so, please provide a complete postal address to which readers may send correspondence concerning your paper. You may also wish to provide an e-mail address, or an e-mail address in altered form, like "user at school dot edu". This section should begin with "Address for correspondence:" followed by a single blank link. The entire section should be set in 11 point type, flush left.

File translated from TEX by TTH, version 3.81.
On 26 Feb 2011, 22:33.