Tuesday April 11th, 2006
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Wang Auditorium, Tang Center (Building E51) 70 Memorial Drive (entrance at Wadsworth and Amherst Streets) Cambridge, MA 02139As technologies have advanced, ocean mapping has changed dramatically and provided new insights into small and large scale features of the ocean, expanded our ability to communicate vast amounts of data, and provided opportunities for integrating data from many sources. The need to coordinate mapping initiatives that support fisheries management and science has motivated the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sea Grant College Program and the Northeast Fisheries Science Center to provide a forum to identify focus specifically on the use of ocean mapping to support fisheries management and research. The region of interest is the Eastern seaboard from Cape Hatteras north. This conference will focus attention on the following topics:
The outcome of the conference will be a report for NOAA and other agencies with the aim of providing a document useful for fostering collaboration, leveraging synergies, and program planning.