Classrooms | Boats

Houlton Elementary School. Houlton, ME. Lee Ann Kinens. 3rd grade
Capt. Proctor Wells. F/V Tenacious. Sebasco Harbor, ME

June 2003
April 2003

Captain Proctor Wells cut a hole in a small version of one of his fishing nets and showed the class how to mend a ripped net.

March-2003 Captain Wells with my class.

Proctor sewing the ripped net

Proctor shows curious students a lobster and lobster trap

Lucas was so into it that he even smelled the bat bag!

close and personal with a lobster

Do we all get to wear this gear when we visit??????
March 2003
The Houlton students weighed and measured lobster, learned the parts, cooked and ate them...

touching shark skin!

fun with seaweed

Phil Averill's visit to Houlton

December 2002
The class studied sea urchins and sea stars found in the Gulf of Maine, exploring different species of sea urchins and their physical size, their respective habitats, and their position in the food chain.


Sea Urchin
Cut styrofoam balls in half.
Students study pattern of spines on a real sea urchin, then stick toothpick in
styrofoam to create the looks of a sea urchin.
Paint with tempera paint.

Sea Star
Cut various star shapes on oak tag.
Cover with glue.
Sprinkle with rice.
When dry, paint with tempera paint.

November 2002
My kids measured the length and width of the F/V Tenacious, drew outline with chalk, then laid down head to toe to measure one side. 46' long and 16' wide. It took all twenty kids in my class to measure a side. They had a ball.
Students measuring
Students measuring
Students measuring one side

December 2002
Check out the Attitudes of Commercial Fishing survey completed by the students.