Classrooms | Boats

O'Maley Middle School. Gloucester, MA. J.P. Ware and Amy Donnelly(8th grade)
Capt. Bob Anderson. F/V Explorer II. Gloucester, MA.
Capt. Sammy Novello. F/V Capt. Novello. Gloucester, MA

October 2002
as told by Amy Donnelly
October 17
WOW! What a day we had with our Captains. The kids started with the survey,and then we all went to the auditorium to meet the captains. Joining them was Ann Margaret Ferrante, a friend of ours who is very active in the fishing community. After introductions and hellos, Bob Anderson fielded questions from 91 students! After an hour and a half, (we had anticipated spending around 1/2 hour) hands were still going up. We ended with everyone eager for our next meeting and scheming of ways to use our time together. Back in the classrooms we made log book entries- J.P. was able to find 91 graph paper composition books-and inserted the daily catch record that Bob had explained to the kids. This initial meeting has left captains, teachers, and students invigorated.
October 30, 2002
We met with the Captains again. Bob Anderson spoke with the kids in science about weather and how patterns in weather affect his fishing. Sam Novello will talk with the kids in L.A. about superstitions at sea. All our interactions with the captains will be framed around the question:  How does the careful recording of experience and data influence future decisions?  We feel we can approach our partnership through this question in all of our subjects. The program is called "Hooked", and recorded information from our fishermen using a Daily Communication Log and an interview sheet.

November 2002
November 1. O'Maley teachers, J.P. Ware and Amy Donnely, went on a fishing trip with Capt. Bob Anderson and Brandy Moran, the Adopt-a-Boat coordinator. Check out the video clips from their trip!