2001-2002 Classrooms
Teacher: Lee Ann Kinens - Houlton Elementary School, Houlton, ME

Teacher Questions:

How and when did you get interested in teaching?
I became interested in teaching during my third year of college while fulfilling a requirement of visiting classrooms in my hometown during Christmas break.

Have others in your family been teachers?
I am the first teacher in my family. My husband is the first teacher in his family also.

What do you like best about teaching?
I receive great satisfaction in seeing the academic growth of my students.

What do you like least about teaching?

I very much dislike the many meetings that I must attend after school.

What got you interested in the Adopt-A-Boat project?

Phil Averil mentioned it to me during one of his visits to our school. I was very excited to
have the opportunity for my classroom in northern Maine to be connected to a fishing
captain and the ocean. The possibilities are endless.

General Questions:

How many students are there in your class?

My class has twenty-three students.

How many boys and how many girls?
We have fourteen boys and nine girls.

What is the average age of the students in your class?
The students in grade three are eight or nine years old.

Student Questions:

Does anyone in your family fish?
Most have family members who have fished for pleasure, but none list fishing as
their occupation. Most fishing in our area takes place on lakes, rivers, or streams.

Have you ever been out on a fishing boat?

Automatically children associate fishing on a boat with lakes in northern Maine.
14 students out of 23 have fished on a boat. 3 of the 14 have fished on a boat on the ocean.

Why do you think people become fisherman?

People become fishermen for fun, food, money, a job, or nothing else to do.

What do you think it's like to be a fisherman?
"It would be hard to bring in a big fish"
"It's lonely out on the ocean"

Can you imagine fishing for a living?
Two students thought they could fish for a living, both were boys.

How do fishermen fish?
Most of the class thought a fisherman used big poles to catch the fish.

Do you eat fish?

15 out of 23 have eaten fish. (I found that amusing because most of the class will eat
fish nuggets‚ offered through the hot lunch program every Friday, but they didn't
really consider fish nuggets‚ as fish!)

Cod- 2

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