Curriculum | Grading | Bibliography

Project Requirements


Topic Studied








Diagram of the Ocean

Label and color













  1. What does it eat?
  2. How does it find or hunt its prey?
  3. Does it have teeth or special parts just for eating or hunting?
  4. How does it eat its prey?
  5. Does it hunt or catch its food alone or with others?
  6. How much food does it eat?
  7. How often does it need to eat?
  8. Where does it find its food?



  1. What ocean or oceans does it live in?
  2. What layer of the ocean does it live in?
  3. Does it stay in the water all the time?
  4. Does it need to surface to breathe?
  5. Does it build a special next or home?
  6. Does it migrate during the year. If so, where?
  7. What other animals share its habitat?



  1. Does your ocean life have any enemies?
  2. What are its enemies?
  3. How does it protect itself from its enemies?
  4. Does it have any special weapons?
  5. How does the enemy attack or threaten this ocean life?
  6. Is your ocean life endangered or threatened by extinction? If so, tell why.



  1. What are the babies called?
  2. How many babies are born/hatched or developed at one time?
  3. How often does your sea life have babies?
  4. How big are the babies (length and weight)?
  5. What do the babies look like?
  6. How do they survive?
  7. Who takes care of the babies?
  8. Do they change as they grow?
  9. Where are they born/hatched/developed?
  10. What does the baby eat?
  11. How long does it take a baby to reach adulthood?


Physical Description

  1. What color is your ocean life?
  2. How long is it as an adult?
  3. How much does it weigh?
  4. Do males and females look alike or different?
  5. Does your ocean life have any special parts?
  6. Does it have special covering?
  7. Does it have spots, stripes, or other features on its covering?
  8. Does it have bones?



  1. How fast can it go?
  2. Does it have special parts just for moving?
  3. How does it use its body to move?
  4. Does it travel long distances?
  5. Does it have to surface to breathe?
  6. Does it move in a special way that is unusual?
  7. Does it have to stay in the water?
  8. Can it come onto land?


Interesting Facts

  1. Does it do something special or unusual?
  2. Does it have special features?
  3. Is it a mammal, fish, bird or other type of animal?
  4. How long has this animal been around?
  5. Does this animal have a nickname?
  6. Does it live somewhere unusual?


Special Vocabulary

  1. ocean////////////////
  2. ///////////////////////

  3. bay//////////////////
  4. ///////////////////////

  5. gulf//////////////////
  6. ///////////////////////

  7. island///////////////

///////////////////////5. Inlet////////////////


6. coast/////////////////


  1. wave////////////////
  2. ///////////////////////

  3. tide//////////////////
  4. ///////////////////////

  5. surf/////////////////
  6. ///////////////////////

  7. sand////////////////
  8. ///////////////////////


  9. intertidal zone//////
  10. //////////////////////////////////////////////

  11. barnacle////////////
  12. ///////////////////////

  13. continental shelf ////
  14. //////////////////////////////////////////////

  15. vertebrate //////////
  16. ///////////////////////


  17. invertebrate/////////
  18. //////////////////////////////////////////////

  19. plankton////////////



17. food/chain///////////


18. trench//////////////


19. coral reef////////////


20. ocean currents///////


21. mammal///////////


22. fish/////////////////


23. tidal pool///////////


24. dune grass//////////






