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Survey Questions: January 2002

  1. What do you know about commercial fishing?
  2. Eli-I don’t know anything.

    Raelene-They fish for a living.

    Jessica-I know that they work for a living.

    Matthew-I know nothing about commercial fishing.

    Emmett-I don’t know anything.

    Adam-I know that commercial fishing helps us.

    Vicky-I know that commercial fishing is a living.

    Emily-They work very hard to catch fish.

    Abby-I know they can fish for lobster.

    Courtney-I know that they work for a living.

    Amanda-I know that commercial fishing is fishing for a living.

    Annick-I know that commercial fishing is for us to live.

    Alan-The fishermen fish.

    Brian-I know people fish for a living.

  3. Do you know any commercial fishermen?
  4. Eli-Yes, I know Mattie Thomson.

    Raelene-I know Mattie Thomson.

    Jessica-no answer

    Matthew-Yes, I do. His name is Mattie Thomson.

    Emmett-Mattie Thomson.

    Adam-Yes, Mattie Thomson is a commercial fishermen.

    Vicky-Yes, I know a commercial fishermen named Mattie Thomson.

    Emily-Yes, Mattie Thomson.

    Abby-no answer.

    Courtney-Yes, we are going to meet a commercial fishermen named Mattie Thomson.

    Amanda-Well, in a way, we know Mattie Thomson.

    Annick-Yes, I know a commercial fishermen named Mattie Thomson.

    Alan-Mattie Thomson.

    Brian-Yes, I know Mattie.

  5. Do you think commercial fishing is important to your town?
  6. Eli-No.

    Raelene-No answer.

    Jessica-I don’t know.

    Matthew-Yes, commercial fishing is important to our town. Solomon’s wouldn’t have any lobsters or fish.

    Emmett-Yes, because we eat fish.

    Adam-I think commercial fishing is important because we get lobsters.

    Vicky-Yes, I do think it is important to us because we need seafood.

    Emily-Yes, because I like seafood.

    Abby-No, because I don’t like it.

    Courtney-Yes, I think it’s important to our town so people can eat fish and lobster.

    Amanda-To tell you the truth, I really don’t know.

    Annick-Yes, because we eat fish and seafood.

    Alan-no answer

    Brian-no answer

  7. What would you like to find out about commercial fishing?
  8. Eli-no answer

    Raelene-no answer

    Jessica-no answer

    Matthew-I want to know everything I can about commercial fishing.

    Emmett-no answer

    Adam-I would like to know if commercial fishermen use nets or fishing poles to catch lobster.

    Vicky-I want to know more about commercial fishing.

    Emily-I don’t know.

    Abby-I would like to find out a lot about commercial fishing.

    Courtney-I want to learn a lot more about commercial fishing because I don’t really know a lot about it.

    Amanda-I’d like to know: Do commercial fishermen get to see a lot of different kinds of ocean life?

    Annick-I’d like to know: Do you go fishing in the winter?

    Alan-no answer

    Brian-no answer

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