Research Programs

Multihydrophone localization of low frequency broadband sources
Stephen E. Forsythe
Naval Undersea Warfare Center, 1176 Howell Ave., Newport RI 02841 USA,

This work was initiated as an informal project after meeting with R. Rountree and colleagues to discuss his ongoing work in localizing and mapping various fish populations acoustically. In August 2001, S. Forsythe met with Mr. Rountree and several project personnel for planning an experiment to take place in October 2001. As a result of this meeting, Mr. Forsythe undertook to perform a low-budget experiment using facilities at the Naval Undersea Warfare Center’s Leesburg, Fla facility. This facility is built around a large natural spring in central Florida.

Results from the spring experiment were merged with Mr. Rountree’s database of fish sounds to produce a set of realistic signals that would occur in nature. The resulting signals were then subjected to various signal processing techniques to derive robust statistics that would lead to a generic localization/classification technique. The results were presented in this conference.

Future directions in this work would include the establishment of a portable platform (hydrophones and rigging) that could be deployed at any location in the ocean where measurements of fish populations are desired.


I wish to thank Mr. Rountree for the opportunity to explore problems not in the normal realm of sonar signal processing. Also, I wish to thank the personnel at the NUWC Leesburg facility (LEEFAC) for their time and help in setting up this ad hoc experiment.