MIT Sea Grant
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We are committed to educating our citizenry about the opportunities and challenges associated with continued expansion into the marine realm. Our goals in this area include giving K-12 students hands-on exposure to fisheries and underwater robotics, providing coastal managers and researchers with workshops and symposia, and communicating the results and implications of our research to as wide an audience as possible. We will continue to foster collaboration with other groups and institutions in these efforts.

Project Title: Finfish Hatchery and Marine Education Center
PIs: Brandy M.M. Wilbur, MIT Sea Grant; Clifford Goudey, MIT Sea Grant
Project Website:

Project Summary: Farm raising fish for consumption is not a new concept, but there are not many marine fish species that are commercially available. MIT Sea Grant recognized the need to aid in the development of aquaculture in Massachusetts and started a Boston Aquaculture Initiative Program to deal with these issues. In January of 1998, MIT Sea Grant's Marine Finfish Hatchery began operation in the Charlestown Navy Yard. In 2003, the hatchery moved north to our new aquaculture facility, located at the Gloucester Maritime Heritage Center.

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Aquaculture at the MIT Sea Grant Finfish Hatchery
Gloucester Maritime Heritage Center

Species Raised at the Finfish Hatchery

Haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus, is a member of the gadoid family. It is a cold water groundfish that ranges from Greenland to Cape Hatteras. Spawning occurs between January and June, depending on the temperature of the water where the adults reside. Haddock have a distinct black "thumb print" above the pectoral fins and are very popular as a food fish.

Tautog, Tautoga onitis, is one of two labrides that do not live in a warm, reef like habitat. Tautog can be found from Nova Scotia to Georgia. Spawning occurs from early June through August. Tautog is very structurally oriented fish and is normally found in areas with cover and structure at all life stages. Tautog is a popular recreational and commercial fish.

Black sea bass
Basic color is dark brown or black. Head is bluish-black to dark brown. Dorsal fin has rows and stripes of white on black; large males have iridescent blue and ebony markings, and fatty hump in front of dorsal fin; females may have indistinct vertical barrings; topmost ray of caudal fin much elongated in adults; caudal may be tri-lobed; sharp spine near posterior margin of gill cover. Adult males are entirely blue-black except for white areas on the head and edges of the fins. This is a warm-temperate species ranging from Maine to northern Florida and a somewhat distinct population in the eastern Gulf of Mexico.

Winter Flounder
Winter flounder's name derives from its tendency to move during the winter months to shallower inshore waters. It ranges from southern Labrador to the waters of South Carolina and Georgia and is most abundant from the gulf of St. Lawrence to the Chesapeake Bay. It is frequently called "blackback" when it is smaller than 3 pounds and "lemon sole" when it is larger. Like all flat fish, the winter flounder has both eyes on one side of the head. The winter flounder is referred to as a right-handed flounder because the eyes are located on its upper surface when the fish is pointing to the right. Female winter flounder grow faster than males and attain a maximum size of about 8 pounds, with a length of 25 inches. They may live up to 15 years.

Related Images and Links:

Fish life cycle

Life Cycle of Rotifers

Life Cycle of Artemia

Mussel Life Cycle

Trout Life Cycle

All About Aquaculture
Fish Life Cycle
Table Top Recirculating System
Facilities overview
