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Treasure Chest
The Circus by Brenda Steinberg

Sculpture by Steinberg
  Walking along the bay in Truro in 1997, Brenda Steinberg came upon a cache of skate egg cases, also known as mermaid's purses. At that time, she created sculptures in which each egg case was given a tag naming a catastrophe, such as AIDS, racism, and genocide. However, Steinberg notes that "In early 1998 I began to see the egg cases in a totally different light. They became delightful, humorous humans who seemed to want to dance and cavort and fly through the air. One by one I began making individual characters and scenes." The Circus will be on display from May 4-31 at the Wellfleet Library. For more information, please call (508) 349-0310.

Brenda Steinberg's work—paintings, sculpture, prints, and drawings—have been exhibited widely in galleries and museums. Her art has been selected for numerous juried exhibitions, including the University Place Gallery in Cambridge, Boston's Federal Reserve Gallery, the Provincetown Art Association, and the Blue Heron and Swansborough galleries in Wellfleet. She lives in Cambridge and in Truro and is currently represented by the Robyn Watson Gallery in Provincetown.