[ My Life in 6 Paragraphs (below) | Nihongohan | Resume | Personal Pictures | Animation and Media | Papers | Courses ]
I am getting married! Visit www.susnsean.com for wedding information.—updated April 2008
Welcome to Tektropolis, the website for Sean Leonard (aka
SeanTek) at the University of Chicago Law School.
I graduated from the department of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science; my 2005 master’s thesis is
with Hal
Abelson on a system for rapid subtitling. I am
a graduate of the MIT Class of 2004 and a native of San
Diego, CA. If you would like
to contact me,
an e-mail
or call me with Skype.
I did a lot of other things at MIT, like teaching an anime class, researching video game music, acting as a network administrator, learning multiple languages, and saving the world (well, it seems like it, at least). My undergraduate degree is in EECS (VI-2) with two minors in Comparative Media Studies (CMS) and Urban Studies and Planning (XI). I speak Japanese: for the Japanese version of this site, please go here. Nihongo dekimasu ga, nihongo no webusaito wa koitra ni nabigeito kudasai. After graduation, I will attend the University of Chicago Law School.
My other website is available at the SeanSpace Network. As I provide products and services under the SeanTekSM brand, please visit there for more information on web design and hosting, software development, and consulting services that I or one of my staff can offer you. The only exception is my research: I host many of my research papers and projects on this MIT site because they are central to my mission of scholarship.
Are you interested in Japanese animation? I taught a class at MIT on the subject for three years; it is doing quite well. You can visit the SP.270 Spring 2004 website. I decided to go on sabbatical during the 2004-2005 academic year to pursue publication. Nicholas Hunter, Andre Sugai, and Alfred Ciffo III are considering taking over the class in Spring 2006. Additionally, Prof. Ian Condry has discussed running an anime workshop or seminar in Spring 2006.
Oh yeah, I happen to be involved with the MIT Anime Club for all of my undergraduate and graduate years. I served as president from 2002-2004, among other positions.
I don't just do anime! In Summer 2001, I studied video game music as an Eloranta Fellow. I am also interested in community development, spatial planning, and geographic information systems, hence my minor in Urban Studies and Planning. I have also been an active member of Sigma Nu at MIT, and since Spring 2003 I became regularly involved with MIT ACF. It's funny how life works.
updated 4/5/2008 by Sean Leonard
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suggestions, send e-mail to