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This picture is my "canonical" photo that I like to use. The
picture was taken in Portland, Oregon on 8/23/2003, shortly after I returned
from Japan.
you wish to see what I look like, huh?
What exactly does a half-Chinese, half-Caucasian look like? Something
like this:
This picture was taken on February 22, 2003 at
my fraternity, Sigma Nu.
periodically wonder to myself how people see me. Do I look okay? Playful?
Hungry? Forlorn? Comfortable? With that in mind, I decided to post another
picture in which I am attacked by a ferocious beast.
My friend Stephanie Lee took this picture in Fall 2002.
As you can see, I clearly have the upperhand because I'm staring him down!
(Clicking on the picture will go to the
full version.)
Last updated 4/29/2004 by Sean Leonard
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