Mediation Example - Madeline Albright's role in the Middle East situation
Netanyhu's perspective
- The Jewish people have a historic right to Judea, Samaria, and
Jerusalem, which dates back to Biblical times.
- If I seem to give in to Arafat, I will lose the support of the right
wing of my political party and may lose my job. I need to appear firm
in order to survive.
- The PLO has a history of terrorism, and has not done enough to stop
the recent terrorist bombings that have harmed innocent civilians.
The statements that Chairman Arafat has made in Arabic to his
countrymen belie the peaceful statements that he makes to the Western
media in which he pretends to be genuinely interested in a Peace
Process. We just cannot trust him.
- Even if we strike a deal with Arafat, that is no guarantee that we
will be secure from terrorism. The Peace Process has no real teeth,
and even if Arafat and I sign an agreement, should he be succeeded by
a new leader we would have no guarantee that the new leader would live
up to its terms.
- Israel has lived up to its part by withdrawing from Hebron. Now
it's up to the Palestinians to show their commitment by cracking down
on Hamas terrorists.
- My government has put forth a peace plan that would permanently
transfer to Palestinian control most of the West Bank's inhabited
areas and 99 percent of its Palestinian population, and has created
task forces in three government agencies to develop further ideas for
a peace settlement.
Arafat's perspective
- The Palestinian people have a historic right to the land that
belonged to their fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers.
- If I seem to give in to the Israelis, I will lose the support of the
Palestinian people and may lose my job. I need to appear firm in
order to survive.
- The Israelis are not to be trusted. Even after promising not to
expand settlements on the West Bank or to build new ones, they are
still doing so. How can we trust that they will live up to an
agreement even if Netanyahu and I sign a piece of paper?
- The Israelis are cold and unfeeling, seizing property and homes from
innocent Palestinians in order to increase the Jewish presence in East
- I don't approve of terrorist tactics such as the suicide bombings
that have increased recently, but am powerless to stop some of the
radical extremists who are supported by outside governments and
agencies. When they cause great economic hardship by punishing all
Palestinian workers by not allowing them to enter Israel after a
terrorist act, the Israeli government is just causing more animosity
to grow in the hearts of our young people, thus breeding new
- The peace plan proposed by the Israeli government is a sham. It
would create pockets of land in the West Bank to be inhabited by
Palestinians, but my people would need permission from the Israeli
government to travel from one village to another should the government
decide to impose such restriction during what they call a "crisis."
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