Senior House Past

Below are some pictures of Senior House before renovations. If it weren't for Paco, these pictures wouldn't be here.

Chilling on the 5th floor balcony (pre-renovations)

5th Floor Balcony

B&W of Charles River during winter snow storm as seen from Nichols roof (pre-renovations)
Winter view of the Charles

Freak-ass picture of your former Haus Prez :
Dan Collarini, former Haus president

Old-school private sink in Runkle 101 (pre-renovations)
Paco's old sink

Paco's old door from Runkle 101 :
Paco's old door

B&W of the roof during winter as seen from Nichols roof (pre-renovations)
Roof druing Winter

Dudes chilling on the nasty-as-f*ck couches in Runkle 2nd (pre-renovations)
Nasty couch

"Can't keep a good man down."  Hal taking a break in the old Runkle 1st bathroom (back-in-the-day)
Cant keep a good man down...

Dudes chilling in the Runkle stairwell(pre-renovations)
Runkle Stairwell
The Runkle 1st stairwell (hallway is to the right)  on the last day of the
old Senior Haus.  The faded areas on the wall are where the Haus
plaques used to be (pre-renovations, original is blurry).
The end