The Runkle entry of the Senior House dormitory at MIT was known in the 1980s for its extreme and robust culture. The house motto was "Sport Death", which meant roughly: "do not settle for mediocracy; live life in extremeus", or something like that. The practical expression of this philosophy involved intoxication, wild parties, ear-splitting rock-n-roll, and polymorphous sexual activity. I was a four-year resident of Runkle; I can't say that I imbibed fully of all aspects of the "Sport Death" lifestyle, but I did have a lot of fun at the time. And despite everything, I managed to get into grad school afterwards.

The Runkle Standard Roar was published shortly after my time in Runkle. It enjoyed two short years of publication before it disappeared beneath the soggy waves of apathy. Craig Rodgers preserved all known copies of the rag; I provide them in .pdf format here for those who are interested in taking a glimpse into a time long past.

Volume 1, Issue 1.
Volume 1, Issue 2.
Volume 1, Issue 3.
Volume 2, Issue 1.
Volume 2, Issue 2.
Volume 2, Issue 3.

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