WARNING: Make sure you've backed up your system before attempting this fix. This may or may not work depending on the hardware found in your computer. Here's how to get it to work: 1) Go to a Windows XP machine, and find this file: C:\Windows\system32\mswebdvd.dll (if you can't find it or don't have an XP machine, download this copy http://web.mit.edu/shakspere/xmas/mswebdvd.dll 2) Copy mswebdvd.dll to your Vista machine. It doesn't actually matter where you put it. 3) On your Vista machine, open a command prompt in the same folder where you copied mswebdvd.dll NOTE: You have to open your command prompt as an administrator in Vista. Find it on the Start menu (I think it's under All Programs->Accessories, right-click on it, and choose Run as Administrator.) Use the change directory command to switch to the folder where you copied mswebdvd.dll (cd [directory]). 4) Type the following command: regsvr32 mswebdvd.dll Since this is Vista, it will probably pop up a box asking if you grant permission to do this. After you grant permission, you should see a message that mswebdvd.dll was registered successfully. You should now be able to open up Xmas and get it to play DVDs.