
Working papers

  • Phadnis & Charlie Fine. "End-to-end supply chain strategies with omnichannel retail."
  • Phadnis. "Internet of things and supply chain: Framework for identifying opportunities for improvement and application."
  • Phadnis. "Environmental shifts forcing supply chain adaptation: Lessons from the computer manufacturing industry."
  • Selected Publications

    1. Phadnis & Schoemaker. (In press). "Visibility isn’t enough: Supply chains also need vigilance," Management and Business Review.
    2. Phadnis. (2021). "Advancing scenario planning theory: A commentary on Fergnani and Chermack 2021," Futures & Foresight Science, e72. doi: 10.1002/ffo2.72.
    3. Phadnis. (2021). "Agent-based modeling complements intuitive logics: A commentary on Lustick and Tetlock 2021," Futures & Foresight Science, 3(2), e78. doi: 10.1002/ffo2.78.
    4. Joglekar & Phadnis. (2021). "Accelerating supply chain scenario planning," MIT Sloan Management Review, 62(2), 73-76.
    5. Phadnis & Joglekar. (2021). "Configuring supply chain dyads for regulatory disruptions: A behavioral study of scenarios," Production and Operations Management, 30(4), 1014-1033.
    6. Phadnis & Darkow. (2021). "Scenario planning as a strategy process to foster supply chain adaptability: Theoretical framework and longitudinal case," Futures & Foresight Science, 3(2), e62. doi: 10.1002/ffo2.62.
    7. Phadnis. (2019). "Effectiveness of Delphi- and scenario planning-like processes in enabling organizational adaptation: A simulation-based comparison," Futures & Foresight Science, doi: 10.1002/ffo2.9.
    8. Perez-Franco & Phadnis. (2018). "Eliciting and representing the supply chain strategy of a business unit," The International Journal of Logistics Management, 29(4), 1401-1423.
    9. Phadnis & Fine. (2017). "End-to-end supply chain strategies: Parametric study of the apparel industry," Production and Operations Management, 26(12), 2305-2322.
    10. Phadnis, Sheffi, Caplice, & Singh. (2017). "Strategic cognition of operations executives," Production and Operations Management, 26(12), 2323-2337.
    11. Perez-Franco, Phadnis, Caplice, & Sheffi. (2016). "Rethinking supply chain strategy as a conceptual system," International Journal of Production Economics, 182, 384-396.
    12. Phadnis, Caplice, & Sheffi. (2016). "How scenario planning influences strategic decisions," MIT Sloan Management Review, 57(4), 21-24.
    13. Phadnis, Caplice, Sheffi, & Singh. (2015). "Effects of scenario planning on field experts’ judgment of long-range investment decisions," Strategic Management Journal, 36(9), 1401-1411.
    14. Phadnis, Caplice, Singh, & Sheffi. (2014). "Axiomatic foundation and a structured process for developing firm-specific Intuitive Logics scenarios," Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 88, 122-139.
    15. Caplice & Phadnis. (2013). "Strategic issues facing transportation: Scenario planning for freight transportation infrastructure investment (NCHRP Report 750)," Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.