Inessential AFS
Copyright 1992 by the Student Information Processing Board of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Manual pages for UNIX commands are displayed by man command. For more information, see section 7 of this document.
If you have ``r'' and not ``x'' on a directory you have permission to list the directory, but not to access its files.
The superuser can also change the ownership of a file by using the chown command. There are also several ``special'' permissions that haven't been listed here. For more information, see the chown and chmod manual pages.
Usually pronounced ``ackle.''
See Section 2 of this document.
For more information on AFS volumes, see section 4 of this document.
These are not real lists of users, but they behave as if they were.
It does not include users whose authentication originated outside of MIT (e.g., CMU). Reciprocally, for files at CMU, it doesn't include users from MIT...
Read the manual pages.
Actually, some NFS filesystems on Athena do have group quotas. A group quota would say something like ``Users in group a are allowed to store b blocks of data on disk c.'' This works better than regular user quotas, but it still has its share of problems.
Many AFS commands are of this type, i.e., a suite of related commands rather than many distinct commands.
The exceptions are specifically ``hidden'' system lists.
To authenticate with a non-MIT cell, you need to have an account there. World-readable files are accessible without authentication.
For more information about Kerberos, see An Inessential Guide to Athena, available from SIPB.
The values of @sys for various Athena machines can be found in the file /afs/athena/service/systypes.
For more information, read the manual page for add.
Older users will often point this fact out to the less experienced ones by using a word of sage advice, ``RTFM'', which stands for ``Read The Friendly Manual''.
Further information can be found in the manpage for the apropos command.