Copied out of /afs/athena/astaff/project/olh/Dotfiles by daveg Dotfiles (AC-16)

Dotfiles (AC-16)

IMPORTANT NOTE: The information in this document is OUT OF DATE, particularly with respect to the organization of directories for executable files. Do not rely on this document for current information!

Until a new version is ready, we will provide this out-of-date information because it can be useful as a guide to how Athena session configuration is structured. Again, the details are wrong, but the overall process is pretty much the same. In any case, beware!

About this document:

The Sequence of Events in a Session

The sections of this document describe the sequence of events run in Athena sessions, and are intended to help you understand the nature of both "window" sessions and "tty" (e.g., dialup or remote login) sessions. The order of events is the same for both kinds of session:

  1. Environment Setup -- set global and shell variables, set shell aliases, and attach lockers to form the default environment.

  2. Device Setup -- set device characteristics and run appropriate processes to get the session device (e.g., workstation or terminal) to function properly.

  3. Startup -- run standard activities and initiate user activity.

  4. Logout -- run appropriate post-session activities.

Although this sequence is common to both "window" and "tty" sessions, the details of the sequence differ significantly. The following sections provide detailed explanations of how each phase works in each type of session.

The section Creating New Configuration Files gives a brief explanation of how to create or revise your own customized configuration files, or "dotfiles." Filenames for dotfiles begin with a period (.). These files are normally hidden. In order to list the dotfiles in your directory, issue the command ls -a . If you want guidelines to customizing a new session, without reviewing the explanations of each phase, go to the section How to Make Some Particular Customizations.

Sequence of Activities for Window-Based Session

Start of a Window Session

This document describes the standard Athena login sequence. For a standard window session, the file /usr/athena/lib/init/xsession is called. This file is also used by the Ignore your customizations option of the Login Options menu.

| Run setup file  |
This first command run by /usr/athena/lib/init/xsession simply calls the user file ~/.cshrc (unless you have deleted it accidentally, or on purpose, which is not recommended). If you examine ~/.cshrc, you will find that it sleeps for a few seconds during initialization. This causes initialization to run faster, rather than slower; you may find this technique useful in your .startup.x file.

Environment Setup (window or tty sessions)

Everything related to environment setup is done with either kind of login ("window" or "tty"), and for any new C shell process. The associated files, in the order in which they are called, include:

If you select a "window" session using the Ignore your customizations option, only the system file /usr/athena/lib/init/cshrc is used, so user adjustments are not taken into account.

| ~/.cshrc                         |
|                                  |
| Set up global/shell environment  |
(This file is bypassed if this is an Ignore your customizations session.)

This file calls the system file /usr/athena/lib/init/cshrc. In addition to being called by the system xsession file, the ~/.cshrc file is also called every time a new C shell process is started (i.e., whenever the command csh is run, as when a new xterm is started).

Although it simply calls another file, the ~/.cshrc file is necessary because standard UNIX expects to find a shell initialization file actually in the user's home directory. The standard version of ~/.cshrc that is given to all new users is in /usr/prototype_user/.cshrc.

Warning: Do not make changes to ~/.cshrc. Make changes to the C shell initialization through the ~/.environment, ~/.path, and ~/.cshrc.mine files.

| /usr/athena/lib/init/cshrc  |
This file embodies two major steps in the session setup:

1. Environmental setup -- sets UNIX environmental variables, command search path, etc. This step is usually performed only once in a session.

2. Shell setup -- sets C shell variables/aliases, command prompt, etc. This step is performed every time a new C shell process is started (for example, every time a new xterm is started).

| Set up global environment (env. variables, default file  |
| protection)                                              |
This step involves several activities (any of these settings can be overridden by user settings in the ~/.environment file, described in the next step):

1. Three shell variables are set so thay can be used later to set the standard path and manual page path (and so that users can refer to them in their own path specifications -- see the ~/.path file):

  set athena_path=( /srvd/patch /usr/athena/bin /bin/athena \
		    /usr/bin/X11 /usr/new /usr/ucb \
		    /bin /usr/bin /usr/ibm /usr/andrew/bin )
  set bindir=${hosttype}bin
  set athena_manpath=/usr/athena/man:/usr/man
The first command above creates the shell variable athena_path, which identifies all the directories that contain standard Athena programs.

The second command creates the shell variable bindir, which identifies the standard name for directories containing programs for the particular type of workstation you are using. In each new session, bindir takes the value appropriate to the workstation you are logged into:

  vaxbin           (for VAXstations)
  decmipsbin       (for DECstations)
  rtbin            (for IBM RTs)
  rsaixbin         (for IBM RS/6000s)
The third command sets the default places in which the man command will look for manual pages.

Note that these paths are not yet set; the path used at this stage of initialization is a less full path specification set by xlogin. The complete command search path is set at a later stage; see "Set up search path," below.

2. Standard Athena global settings are made, as follows:

  umask 077
  limit coredumpsize 0
  setenv MORE -csd
  setenv EDITOR emacs
  setenv VISUAL emacs
  setenv RSUSERHOME ~/rsuserhome
  setenv MANPATH $athena_manpath
These commands produce the following effects:

umask 077 sets the default file protection such that only the user can read or write any files he or she creates in the session.

limit coredumpsize 0 prevents coredumps from being created on the system, to help keep users' below their quota of 1.2MB. If you are doing programming, you will probably want to change the coredumpsize value.

setenv MORE -csd sets the default behaviour of the more command, such that it will:

setenv EDITOR emacs and setenv VISUAL emacs sets the default editor to be the standard Athena emacs, when the system calls for either a line-oriented editor or a screen-oriented editor.

setenv RSUSERHOME ~/rsuserhome sets the default "home" directory, if you are an RS/1 user, to be ~/rsuserhome (the directory does not have to exist otherwise).

setenv MANPATH $athena_manpath sets the standard Athena path as the location for the man command to find manual pages.

if (! $?WINDOW_MANAGER) setenv WINDOW_MANAGER mwm sets the default window manager to be mwm (the window manager is started in the "Startup" phase; see the section, Window-Oriented Device Setup).

| Make user adjustments to global environment (if file exists  |

| ~/.environment                                           |
|                                                          |
| Global setup (set environmental variables, protections;  |
| attach lockers, etc.)                                    |
(This step is bypassed if this is an Ignore your customizations session.)

You can adjust the global environment created at the beginning of a session. Using an editor (emacs or ez), create the file ~/.environment, containing the commands to be executed. In this file you can:

For example, this ~/.environment file makes the changes described above:

  setenv EDITOR ezcomp      # set ez as the default editor
  setenv COURSEDIR ~/6.030  # set environment variable
  set skip_initial_xterm    # don't display standard xterm window
  attach sipb games         # access sipb and games lockers
Do not include any commands that require a response from the user. At this stage of initialization, no window is in place where you can respond with the keyboard or mouse (a command requiring dialog with the user would cause the session to hang).

| (Back in /usr/athena/lib/init/cshrc)                          |
|                                                               |
| Set up search path (use user-specified path, if file exists;  |
| otherwise, use standard Athena path)                          |
In this step, the complete command search path is set (an abbreviated path was set by xlogin in order to function, but now a fuller path is set).

If no user file ~/.path exists, or if this is an Ignore your customizations session, the system uses the following default path:

  set path=($HOME/$bindir $athena_path .)
This default path includes:

If user file ~/.path exists, then that file is executed instead of the standard path setting.

| ~/.path                  |
|                          |
| Set command search path  |
(This file is bypassed if this is an Ignore your customizations session.)

The contents of ~/.path must provide a complete path specification to be used instead of the standard path setting. This file lets you set the path once for the entire session, rather than having the system set the path, then you later reset it to include your own command directories once you attach the appropriate lockers. (If you have to attach lockers later in the session initialization sequence -- e.g., in ~/startup.X rather than ~/.environment -- but you want to include directories from these lockers in your path, include the path specification in the ~/.path file and issue a rehash command after you attach the lockers.)

The contents of ~/.path are simply a command setting the path; for example:

  set path=( /mit/sipb/$bindir /mit/games/$bindir ~/$bindir $athena_path . )
You must include $athena_path in order to get the standard Athena commands. Also, the period by itself, before the closing parenthesis, tells the system to look for commands in your current directory. The shell variables bindir and athena_path were defined earlier in the initialization sequence.

| (Back in /usr/athena/lib/init/cshrc)                |
|                                                     |
| Set up shell environment (shell variables/aliases,  |
| command prompt, etc.)                               |
The activities of this step set up the standard C Shell environment. Any of these settings can be overridden in the ~/.cshrc.mine file (described later). For details on the C Shell, type man csh at the athena% prompt.

1. Standard C Shell initializations are made:

  set noclobber
This statement sets up the shell so that you will not accidentally overwrite existing files when issuing commands that use redirection to create new files (e.g., cat > foo).

If the shell is an interactive shell, where the user is presented with a prompt and can engage in an interactive dialogue, the following initializations are also made (terminal initialization depends on the type of workstation you are using):

  stty dec
  set prompt = "athena% "
  set history = 20
  set cdpath = (~)
  set interactive
These commands produce the following effects:

stty dec sets the system to respond to DEC-style terminal control characters (e.g., C-u will erase to the beginning of the line, DELETE will backup one character, etc.). Note: Terminal initialization varies slightly, depending on the workstation.

set prompt = "athena% " sets the default prompt to be athena%.

set history = 20 tells the system to keep a record of the last 20 commands.

set cdpath = (~) sets the default directory to try when the cd command fails to find a specified directory directly to be the user's home directory.

set interactive creates the shell variable interactive (for compatibility with earlier Athena releases).

2. Standard C Shell aliases are set. Aliases are shorthand names for frequently used, but long, commands. You can set your own aliases in the ~/.cshrc.mine file (see below). For more details, type man alias and man csh. Some default aliases are as follows:

  alias term 'set noglob; unsetenv TERMCAP; eval `tset -s -I -Q - \!*`'
  alias mail 'Mail'
  alias Mail 'more /usr/prototype_user/README.mail ; echo \!* > /dev/null'
  alias xresize 'set noglob; eval `resize` || unset noglob'
  if ($?XSESSION) then
	    if ("$XSESSION" == " ") then
		  alias logout 'exit && end_session'
		  alias logout 'exit && kill -HUP $XSESSION'
  alias extend 'if (-d \!:2) if ("$\!:1" \!~ *"\!:2"*) \
	  setenv \!:1 ${\!:1}:\!:2'
  alias add 'set dir = `attach -p \!*` && \\
	  if ("$PATH" =~ *"$dir/$bindir"*) rehash && \\
	  extend PATH $dir/$bindir && \\
	  extend MANPATH $dir/man && \\
	  unset dir'
  alias renew 'kinit $USER && fsid - a && zctl load /dev/null'
These aliases do the following:

In addition to these aliases, several aliases are included in the system file to support students using MIT courseware.

| Make user adjustments to shell environment (if file exists)  |
| ~/.cshrc.mine                                    |
|                                                  |
| Shell setup (set shell variables/aliases, etc.)  |
(This step is bypassed if this is an Ignore your customizations session.)

You can adjust the shell environment that is created for every new C Shell. Using an editor (emacs or ez), create the file ~/.cshrc.mine. In this file you can:

Warning: These changes are made every time a new C shell is started. Do not attach lockers or adjust session configuration variables (such as skip_initial_xterm) in ~/.cshrc.mine.

Here is a sample ~/.cshrc.mine file:

  set prompt = "HI THERE% " # creates customized prompt
  alias rm 'delete'         # have rm actually call delete
  set lineedit   # can use arrowkeys to go to previous and next commands
Note: In most circumstances, do not include any commands that require a response from the user. At this stage of initialization, no window is in place where you can respond with the keyboard or mouse (a command requiring dialog with the user would cause the session to hang). You may be able to embed a dialogue in some conditional loop, but be very careful.

Window-Oriented Device Setup

| (Back in /usr/athena/lib/init/xsession)       |
|                                               |
| Make user adjustments to standard X settings  |
| (if user file exists)                         |
| ~/.Xresources    |
|                  |
| User X settings  |
(This step is bypassed if this is an Ignore your customizations session.)

In this step, the system checks for the existence of a user file named ~/.Xresources. If the file exists, the following command is issued:

  xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources
The ~/.Xresources file (which supersedes the ~/.Xdefaults file of earlier releases) identifies adjustments the user wants to make to the default characteristics for X windows. The xrdb command incorporates these user settings into the general X resources database before the system starts up the window manager (see the section, Window-Oriented Startup).

Note that the system file does not actually execute the ~/.Xresources file in the same way it executes other configuration files (~/.environment, for example). In other words, control of the session never actually gets handed over to the ~/.Xresources file in the same way as other files.

| (Back in /usr/athena/lib/init/xsession)                          |
|                                                                  |
| Start window manager, making user adjustments to standard wm     |
| settings (if user file exists)                                   |
| ~/.mwmrc           |
|                    |
| User mwm settings  |
In this step, the X window manager is started. The window manager is set in the WINDOW_MANAGER environmental variable, set above. Currently, the system uses the mwm window manager as the default. You can override the default by setting WINDOW_MANAGER to the one you want in your ~/.environment file.

As with ~/.Xresources, the ~/.mwmrc file is a configuration file that identifies adjustments the user wants to make to some other program (in this case, mwm). For another window manager, another configuration file would be used (e.g., ~/.twmrc for the twm window manager). Note: The formats between window managers' configuration files are generally incompatible.

The ~/.mwmrc file is not even explicitly referred to in the system session file, but is checked by the mwm process itself. Again, control of the session never actually gets handed over to the ~/.mwmrc file in the same way as other files.

Window-Oriented Startup

Now, activity begins in earnest. Startup in a "window" session has four standard phases, all overrideable:

  1. Start the Athena Dashboard

  2. Display the Logout button

  3. Display the standard xterm

  4. Run the standard startup activities

To skip any of these, put the appropriate shell variable, identified in the following discussion, into your ~/.environment file.
| (Back in /usr/athena/lib/init/xsession)  |
|                                          |
| Start the Athena Dashboard               |
The first phase of a "window" session creates the Athena Dashboard, dash. If you do not want the Dashboard, include the following statement in your ~/.environment file:

  set skip_dash
| Display "Logout" button                  |
In this step, the system session file calls the xlogout program.

The standard window-oriented application, xlogout, displays a button labeled "Logout" in the bottom-right-hand corner of the screen. When you click on the button, the application displays a dialogue box asking "Do you really want to terminate your session?" If you agree to quit the session, xlogout terminates it (see the section, Window-Oriented Logout).

To override the display of the Logout button (you can still logout by typing logout at the prompt in an xterm window), include the following statement in your ~/.environment file:

  set skip_xlogout
| Start initial xterm                      |
The next phase of a "window" session creates an initial xterm window so that you can start interacting with the system. The standard window is placed in the upper-left-hand corner of the screen, just below the dash menu bar (about 30 pixels down from the top edge of the screen).

You cannot directly change the placement (or other characteristics) of the initial xterm window. To create an initial xterm with characteristics other than the default, follow these two steps:

1. In your ~/.environment file, include the following statement to bypass the initial xterm provided by the system:

  set skip_initial_xterm
(You do this also if you do not want the original xterm window to appear at all.)

2. In your ~/.startup.X file create an xterm of your own, specifying placement and other characteristics (see below).

Warning: You should not bypass the initial system xterm call unless you call an xterm window of your own in your ~/.startup.X file, or if you call a program that does not require an xterm window. If you accidentally exit all of your xterm windows in a session, you can create a new one through dash; go to the Special menu and click on New xterm window.

| Run standard startup activities (check mail, start zephyr, etc.) |
In this step, the system runs standard activities that most users want automatically:

  (zwgc && get_message -new -zephyr)
   from -t -n
  (olc who &) >& /dev/null
This sequence of commands:

To override any of these steps, you must override the whole set, then include the ones you want to still run in your ~/.startup.X file (see next step). To override the default set of steps, include the following statement in your ~/.environment file:

  set skip_x_startup
| Run user-specified startup activities (if file exists)  |
| ~/.startup.X                            |
|                                         |
| Startup activities for window sessions  |
| (e.g., xclock, xload, etc.)             |
Do not do this if you have chosen an Ignore your customizations session, or if you select a terminal-type login.

In this step, the system session file runs all of the commands contained in the user file ~/.startup.X. Here is where you can start up window activities such as xclock, xload, emacs, xmh, etc. For example, the following ~/.startup.X file specifies placement of three windows:

  xterm -geometry 80x20+0+25 &           # upper left, below dash
  emacs -geometry 80x50+500+20 &         # right of center
  xclock -geometry 80x80+0-0 &           # bottom left
Note: Put an ampersand, &, after each command in the ~/.startup.X file so that it will run in the background. If you do not, the system session file may never get past this step, which can cause problems with the session. For example, if you like to run xclock throughout a session, but you call xclock without an ampersand, the system session file will stop your login process while it waits for xclock to finish.
| User interacts with system    |
| ...                           |
| User issues "logout" command  |
Now you are logged in and your interactive session can begin in earnest. When you want to terminate the session, you have two options:

Window-Oriented Logout

When you logout, a few window-oriented system wrapup activities are conducted after the session file is completed (e.g., deactivating the workstation and detaching lockers), but these are not oriented toward your specific session. You can, however, specify your own wrapup activites in a ~/.logout file.

| Run user-specified logout activities (if file exists)  |
| ~/.logout          |
|                    |
| Logout activities  |
(This step is bypassed if this is an Ignore your customizations session.)

To have the system run any special post-session activities, include the appropriate commands in the file ~/.logout. For example:

  cp ~/RMAIL ~/    #back up your mailbox
Do not include commands that rely on the existence of xterm windows (e.g., a dialogue, or a clear command).

Sequence of Activities for TTY-Based Session

Start of a TTY-Based Session

For a standard "tty" session, the system starts the special "login shell" and goes directly to the Environment Setup phase; see the section of this document, Environment Setup (window or tty sessions).

If you have a file named ~/.hushlogin (it can be an empty file), then the system will not echo status messages about initialization (i.e., messages such as "Setting up environment..." will not be echoed to your screen during startup). This speeds up tty-session initialization.

Environment Setup

Everything related to environment setup applies to a "window" or "tty" session, and for any new C shell process. See the description of this phase in the section, Environment Setup (window or tty sessions). The environment setup works identically in either type of session.

TTY-Oriented Device Setup

| ~/.login                        |
|                                 |
| Run tty activities environment  |
This file calls the system file /usr/athena/lib/init/login. Although it simply calls another file, the ~/.login file is necessary because standard UNIX expects to find a login initialization file in your home directory.

Warning: Do not make changes to ~/.login. Make changes to the tty initialization through the ~/.environment and ~/.startup.tty files.

The standard version of ~/.login that is given to all new users is found in /usr/prototype_user/.login.

| /usr/athena/lib/init/login  |
This file embodies two major steps in the session setup:

| Make temporary home directory if necessary  |
In this step, the system checks whether you have access to your home directory. If not, the system offers to create a temporary local directory, warning that work in it may get lost. You can terminate the session at this stage by answering the system question to this effect.

| Set up tty device characteristics (e.g., vt100 emulation)  |
In this step, the system does some setup activity related to the particular device being emulated, and prompts for the DISPLAY variable if the session originated by an rlogin or telnet.

TTY-Oriented Startup

Activity begins in earnest. Once the "tty" session startup activities run, you can interact with the login shell. The startup activites can be overridden through the ~/.startup.tty file; see below.

| Run standard startup activities (check mail, start zephyr, etc.) |
In this step, the system runs standard activities that most users want to have run automatically:

  set ignoreeof              # ^D won't log you out
  zwgc                       # tries to start a zephyr client
  from -t -n                 # checks for new mail
  (olc who &) >& /dev/null   # if you have a question pending in olc,
			       notifies olc that you have logged in
To override any one of these steps, you must override the whole set, then include the ones you want to run in your ~/.startup.tty file (see the next step). To override the default set of steps, include the following statement in your ~/.environment file:

  set skip_tty_startup
| Run user-specified startup activities (if file exists)  |
| ~/.startup.tty                       |
|                                      |
| Startup activities for tty sessions  |
| (e.g., inc, zwgc -ttymode, etc.)     |
In this step, the system session file runs all of the commands contained in the user file ~/.startup.tty. For example, ~/.startup.tty might contain:

  emacs &         # choose emacs as the text editor
  inc             # incorporate new mail
Note: In the ~/.startup.tty file, run in the background any command that will not exit quickly. To run a command in the background, put an ampersand, &, after it. In the examples above, this is not necessary with inc because it will exit quickly. It is necessary with emacs; otherwise, the login process will stop while it waits for emacs to exit.

| User interacts with system    |
| ...                           |
| User issues "logout" command  |
Now you are logged in and your interactive session can begin. When you want to terminate the session, type logout at the shell prompt.

Note: When you log in for your first-ever Athena tty session, type the following command at the prompt:

  athena% zctl set fallback true
You need issue this command only once in your Athena tty-session career. It sets the fallback variable so that Zephyr runs in tty mode, by default, when you log into a tty session.

TTY-Oriented Logout

When you logout, a few tty-oriented system wrapup activities are conducted after the session file is completed (e.g., deactivating the workstation and detaching lockers), but these are not oriented toward the specific user's session. You can, however, specify your own wrapup activities in a ~/.logout file.

| Run user-specified logout activities (if file exists)  |
| ~/.logout          |
|                    |
| Logout activities  |
To have the system run any special post-session activities, you can include commands in the file ~/.logout. Remember that the commands in this file will also be used for "window" session logout. For example:

  cp  ~/RMAIL  ~/     # back up your mailbox
Do not include commands that rely on the existence of xterm windows (e.g., a dialogue, or a clear command) in a "window" session.

Creating New Configuration Files

How to Make New Customization Files

The Athena-supplied user configuration files ~/.cshrc and ~/.login exist mainly to transfer control to the Athena system defaults. These files, in turn, look in your home directory for configuration files you have created to specify customizations to your working environment.

You create each customization file using an editor such as ez or emacs. Place each file in your home directory and give it the appropriate name; remember to start the name with a "dot." for example, .environment. (To list the "dot files" in your directory, issue the ls -a command at the athena% prompt.)

Most customization files are just plain text files with a valid command on each line (~/.Xresources and ~/.mwmrc have more specific formats). Also, most configuration files do not have to be executable files (in terms of file protection), nor do they have to be fully valid shell scripts (the commands they execute, however, must be valid C shell commands). You can even include comments in configuration files by using a pound sign (#); any characters on the same line following the pound sign are treated as a comment (this, however, is not true for ~/.Xresources).

Recognized Files

If you want to make adjustments to the session, but want to continue to rely on the Athena sequence, include customizing commands in one or more of the files in the following list; you will have to create each file you want to use.

  ~/.mwmrc  (etc.)
Other common dot files are listed below.

Warning: Do not change the three files listed below. Should you do so anyway, it is at your own risk. If you change them, Athena cannot guarantee or support their session activity for you.


How to Make Some Particular Customizations

Here are some general guidelines for how to make new session customizations: