QUEER THEORY: An Academic Travesty written and directed by Thomas F. DeFrantz Synopsis |
individuals with little in common – but each of whom might identify as “queer” – find
themselves on an all-day panel devoted to Queer Theory. Organized
by queer ally and squishy faghag Eve, the group includes Michel, a supersmart,
leather-happy, theorist extraordinare; Lilith, a hard-edged dyke, theorist,
and performance artist; Daddy, a trannie trickster; and James Lapin,
an athletic, everyday workout fag. The show project includes songs
and dances that refer to the tradition of “travesty,” a theatrical
parody that dates back to the Greeks. Queer Theory draws a map
of the “queer body” so familiar from popular culture, to
point up its blemishes, pick apart its strengths and weaknesses, and
ultimately, celebrate its truth. |
Note |
What is "Queer Theory" and how does it relate to ME? Are queer theorists and scholars devising ways of thinking about lesbian, gay, and trans- lives that will help me understand myself? Or are they spinning on gerbil wheels, spouting ideas without consideration for everyday pleaasures and pains? This musical play brings together characters from the pantheon of "queer studies" to tease the underpinnings of this new branch of the academy. Will queer studies be useful? Or will it be an ivory-tower distorting mirror that stretches everyday practices and ideas into high theory - just because it can? Queer Theory is a relatively new area of academic inquiry. Like any other horserace, we start at the moment of its greatest potential, with the shout: AND THEY'RE OFF! |
Company |
Thomas DeFrantz (director and author) received his PhD from the department of Performance Studies at NYU in 1997, where he first studied Queer Theory. Besides running around the world looking for evidence of queer life, he has taught at Stanford, NYU, and at MIT, where he is Associate Professor. Performer: Morton Gould Tap Concerto with the Boston Pops; Duke Ellington Tap Concerto with the Aardvark Jazz Orchestra. Founder: SLIPPAGE: Performance Interventions in Culture and Technology, in residence at MIT. Recent work: librettist for The Man In My Head, (NY Musical Theater Festival, 2006); The House Music Project (2005) a technology-driven dance work that explores the history of house music, a queer African American development of the 1980s; Ennobling Nonna (2004); and the solo tap/technology piece Monk’s Mood: A Performance Meditation on the Life and Music of Thelonious Monk (2005). Dramaturg and librettist for Donald Byrd/Spectrum Dance Theater production of the Sleeping Beauty Notebook, noted by the New York Times as one of the best dance events of 2005. Author: Dancing Many Drums: Excavations in African American Dance (University of Wisconsin Press, 2002) and Dancing Revelations: Alvin Ailey's Embodiment of African American Culture (Oxford University Press, 2004). web.mit.edu/defrantz. |
30, December 1, 2 2006 @ 8pm MIT
Kresge Little Theater |
admission: students $6, all others $10 |
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