ASIA TREK CO-SPONSORSHIP                                                                                  Back>>

Each year, ABC sends over 60 MIT Sloan students (roughly one third of the class) to Asia between December and March to both Far East and South East Asia. Many of these students will either be interested in looking for summer internship opportunities or even full time employment with one of the companies they visit. This presents a tremendous opportunity for you to personally reach out to these students within the comfort of your headquarter and showcase all the opportunities that your company has to offer. 


By co-sponsoring our trips, we can guarantee that not only will your company be on our priority visit list, but we will co-host dinner/cocktail events so that these students can interact with your company employees, executives, human resources and discover more about the career opportunities that you have to offer.



Benefits of co-sponsorship:

  • Instant access to MIT Sloan students in your own regional office/headquarter
  • Guaranteed site visit allotment in the trip itinerary
  • Advertising and marketing coverage throughout the entire trip
  • Ability to host dinner/cocktail events

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