The SMA graduands in Class of 2004 received their degree awards at the NUS and NTU Commencement and Graduation ceremonies respectively. 89 S.M. and 4 Ph.D. students from the AMM&NS, HPCES, MEBCS and CS programmes received their degrees at the main NUS ceremony held on 6 July 2004. SMA Co-Director Professor Andrew Nee who served as a Member of the Deanery for the Commencement Ceremony presented the SMA graduands on stage. Together with the Deputy Director, Professor Chua Soon Jin, they graced the occasion as members of the academic procession with the Chancellor, President S. R. Nathan presiding over the ceremony.
At NTU’s tenth Convocation Ceremony, the School of Mechanical and Production Engineering presented 37 SMA-IMST S.M. graduands. The Pro-Chancellor of NTU, Mr Hsuan Owyang, presided over the ceremony with Professors Nee, Kamal Youcef-Toumi (MIT) and Choi Wee Kiong (NUS) forming part of the Academic Procession. This was followed by the IMST Book Prize Ceremony at the Smart Classroom, where 26 book prizes were awarded to 19 SMA graduates who had achieved outstanding performances in the IMST programme.
