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Professor Ng Wun Jern

Co-Director (Singapore)

“This is an exciting transitional period for SMA as we see SMA-1 programs successfully concluded while forging forward with the launch of SMA-2 programs.”

Coming onboard as SMA’s Singapore Co-Director on 15 August 2005, I have had the privilege of being associated with one of the most reputable centres for global graduate education and research. This would certainly not have been possible if it were not for the leadership and stewardship of the previous Co-Directors who have steered SMA successfully through unchartered waters to what it is today.

This is an exciting transitional period for SMA, as we see SMA-1 programs successfully concluded while forging forward with the launch of SMA-2 programs.


In SMA-1, a total of 810 students were admitted. Of these, 600 S.M., 30 M.Eng. and 10 Ph.D. students have graduated and positioned themselves either in industry or continued with their academic development. Some 490 journal articles, 369 conference papers, 55 technology disclosures and 26 patents have been filed to date. From the technology disclosures and patents filed, 7 licenses have been awarded. It is my greatest hope that SMA-2 will, as it is intended, to produce even more noteworthy results and fulfill its mission of advancing the frontiers of knowledge in engineering and science.

Our students’ achievements are a testimony to the rigorous education at SMA and it is my pleasure to highlight a few of them. Teo Chee Chong, a Ph.D. student from the IMST program, has assumed an Assistant Professorship in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NTU. He will contribute his expertise in logistics management and operations research to the burgeoning field of Maritime Studies. Another Ph.D. student, Zang Ke Yan from the AMM&NS program, was awarded the Best Poster Award in the 3rd International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies. Her project carried out in collaboration with the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), achieved promising advancement in the fields of Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Applications.

In addition to the four SMA-2 programs launched last year, we have successfully launched a new program – Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering (CPE) which will receive its first intake of students in July 2006. Through these five programs, SMA is well-placed to attract, nurture and produce world-class talent who will no doubt become outstanding leaders in today’s knowledge-based and global industries.

As Singapore continues its journey of building up its research and development capabilities, I am confident SMA will play a pivotal role. This will be through trained and qualified intellectual human capital necessary for thrusting Singapore forward to gain competitive advantage in the global arena.

As for the NUS and NTU faculty and staff of research institutes who have participated in the SMA programs, I am proud to claim SMA has a dedicated team with not insignificant expertise in teaching and research areas that are strategic to SMA. Their presence and involvement have dynamically enhanced the educational experiences of our students as well as bolstered SMA’s research capabilities.

The past year has been a most fruitful and successful one. I would like to convey my heartfelt gratitude to all the students, faculty members and administrative staff. It is your contributions that have taken SMA to where it is today. I urge everyone to remain focused and to forge ahead in unison to overcome the challenges, capitalize on the opportunities and produce even greater results.

Lastly, I would like to end with some words from George Bernard Shaw, a Nobel Prize winner for Literature, which I hope will inspire all of us to aim for even greater success.

“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

Let courage and enterprise be the hallmark of SMA.

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