MIT 3.205
Thermodynamics & Kinetics of Materials
Faculty: Prof. Eagar, Prof. Thompson
MIT 3.206
Introduction to Materials Engineering Practice
Faculty: Prof. Fitzgerald
MIT 3.225
Electronic & Mechanical Properties of Materials
Faculty: Prof. Fitzgerald, Prof. Gibson
MIT 3.44
Materials Processing for Micro & Nano Systems
Faculty: Prof. Thompson
MIT 3.57 / ESD. 73
Materials Selection,Design,Economics
Faculty: Prof. Field, Prof. Kirchain
MIT 2.096J, 6.336J, 16.910J
Introduction to Numerical Simulation
Faculty: Prof. White, Prof. Peraire, Prof. Patera, Prof. Daniel, Prof.
MIT 2.097J, 6.339J, 16.920J
Numerical Methods for PDE's
Faculty: Prof. Peraire, Prof. Patera, Prof. White,
Prof. Boo
MIT 2.098J, 15.093J
Optimization Methods
Faculty: Prof. Parrilo,
Prof. Sun, Prof. Sim, Prof. Natarajan
MIT 6.337J, 18.335J
Introduction to Numerical Methods
Faculty: Prof. Persson
TA: Daniel Tam
Distinguished Speaker Series in Computation for Design and Optimization
Faculty: Prof. Peraire
MIT 2.996J / BE.949J
Optical Microscopy and Spectroscopy for Biology and Medicine
Faculty: Prof. So, Prof. Sheppard
MIT 2.168
Analysis, Design and Control of Automated Equipment
Faculty: Prof. Hardt, Prof. Youcef-Toumi
MIT 2.810
Manufacturing Processes and Systems
Faculty: Prof. Chun, Prof. Hardt
MIT 2.853
Introduction to Manufacturing Systems
Faculty: Dr. Gershwin
MIT 2.96
Management in Engineering
Faculty: Prof. Chun, Prof. D'Arbeloff
SMA 5502 / MIT 6.035
Computer Language Engineering
Faculty: Prof. Rinard, Prof. Amarasinghe, Prof. Wong, Prof. Chin
TA: Punyashloka Biswal
SMA 5503 / MIT 6.046, 18.410
Analysis and Design of Algorithms
Faculty: Prof. Leiserson, Prof. Demaine, Prof. Hsu David
TA: Seth Gilbert
SMA 5504 | MIT 6.825
Artificial Intelligence
Faculty: Prof. Lozano-Perez, Prof. Ng
TA: Margaret Aycinena
SMA 5510
Research Methodology
Faculty: Prof. Lee, Prof. Hsu David
SMA 5514 / MIT 6.867
Machine Learning
Faculty: Prof. Kaelbling, Prof. Lee
TA: Kenzie MacIsaac
SMA 5599
General Session
SMA 5411
Molecular Thermodynamics
Faculty: Prof. Hatton, Prof. Tam
Saurabh Tejwani,
Akasta Sinaga, Tian Yuan
SMA 5412
Transport and Reaction Processes
Faculty: Prof. Smith, Prof. Wang
Chen Fei,
Lai Yeng Lee, Fong Yew Leong, Liang Kuang Lim
SMA 5413 / MIT 10.541
Kinetics of Biological and Chemical Systems
Faculty: Prof. Stephanopoulos, Prof. Trout, Prof. Lee
TA: Baron Peters,
Curt Fischer, Xie Jianping
SMA 5499
General Session