import re import os from optparse import OptionParser def split_into_groups(keylength, text): """Splits the given text into keylength groups, where each group is every keylength-th letter.""" alphabetic_text = re.sub("[^{a-zA-Z}]", "", text) groups = [[] for idx in xrange(keylength)] for (idx, char) in zip(range(len(alphabetic_text)), alphabetic_text): groups[idx % keylength].append(char) return ["".join(group) for group in groups] PARSER = OptionParser() PARSER.add_option( "-c", "--ciphertextfile", help="the path of the file containing the ciphertext") PARSER.add_option( "-d", "--destfile", help="the path of the file to which we want to write the grouped letters") PARSER.add_option( "-k", "--keywordlength", help="the length of the keyword") if __name__ == "__main__": # Parse the arguments and leave early if there aren't any # (options, args) = PARSER.parse_args() #print(options, args, len(args)) necessary_arguments = ['ciphertextfile', 'destfile', 'keywordlength'] for necessary in necessary_arguments: if not options.__dict__[necessary]: print("Missing one or more necessary arguments [%s]" % necessary) PARSER.print_help() exit(-1) # Everything is good so far. Process the arguments # ctxtfile = open(options.ciphertextfile, 'r') ctxt = ctxtfile.close() groups = split_into_groups(int(options.keywordlength), ctxt) destfile = open(options.destfile, 'w') destfile.write(os.linesep.join(groups)) destfile.close()