x3270 Resources Here is a complete list of the customizable X resources used by x3270, their meanings, default values, command-line switches and menu options that change them. Note that any resource can be set on the command line with the -xrm switch. x3270.activeIcon Default false Switch -activeicon This one is a lot of fun. When set to true, x3270's icon becomes a live miniature of the screen display. There are some limitations, spelled out in the man page. x3270.allowResize Default true When true, the x3270 window can be resized by the mouse (actually, by the window manager). When false, the window can only be resized from menu options. The purpose of disabling mouse resizing is to allow a window bigger than will fit on the screen, which some window managers (e.g., mwm) will not allow if permitted to resize it. x3270.altCursor Default false Switch -set altCursor Option Underline Cursor -clear altCursor Block Cursor When set to true, this causes x3270 to use with the alternate (underscore) cursor. x3270.aplFont Default 3270-apl The font used when in apl mode (when the -apl switch is used). It is assumed that this is a 3270 font (one with the same ordering as 3270 and 3270-12), but with special APL characters in place of accented (ISO Latin-1) characters. x3270.attnLock Default false When true, the Attn() action (the 3270 Attention key) will cause x3270 to lock the keyboard after sending the TELNET BREAK sequence to the host, waiting for the host to unlock it. When false, x3270 will not lock the keyboard in Attn(). x3270.background Default white Switches: -bg, -rv The background color for menus, buttons, and on monochrome X displays, the emulator window. x3270.bellVolume Default 0 Controls the volume used when ringing the terminal bell. The value ranges from -100 (silent) through 0 (normal) to +100 (loud). Not all X servers can vary the bell volume, other than turning it on and off. This resource can be overridden by the x3270.visualBell resource, which if set to true, will replace the bell with a flash of the screen. x3270.boldColor Default cyan On color X displays in 3278 (pseudo-color) mode, this is the color of high-intensity text. (See the description of boldFont for how it works on monochrome X displays.) x3270.blankFill Default false Option Blank Fill Switch -set blankFill -clear blankFill When set to true, in 3270 mode x3270 will automatically convert trailing blanks in a field to nulls in order to insert a character, and will automatically convert leading nulls to blanks so that input data is not squeezed to the left. This eliminates some of the quirkier behavior of real 3270 terminals. x3270.charset Default bracket Switch -charset This defines the EBCDIC character set, that is, what glyph (image) is displayed for each EBCDIC code. For each character set x, an additional resource by the name of charset.x must be defined. x3270.charset.us-intl x3270.charset.us x3270.charset.apl x3270.charset.bracket x3270.charset.oldibm x3270.charset.german x3270.charset.finnish x3270.charset.uk x3270.charset.norwegian x3270.charset.french x3270.charset.hebrew Individual character set definitions. These resources consist of a series of newline-separated strings that define how an EBCDIC national character set differs from IBM's standard U.S.-International set (table 01). Each string is a number, a colon, and a symbol. The number is the EBCDIC code, and the symbol is an ASCII character or ISO Latin-1 name of the graphic it represents. x3270.charsetList Default U.S. International: us-intl Bracket: bracket German: german Finnish: finnish United Kingdom: uk Norwegian: norwegian French: french Hebrew: hebrew Defines the "Character Set" pull-right menu. x3270.colorBackground Default black The background color for the emulator window. This resource is used only on color X displays when the x3270.model specifies 3278 (pseudo-color) mode. On monochrome X displays, the background color is white, unless -rv (reverse video) is selected on the command line; in 3279 mode, the screen background is determined by the x3270.colorScheme resource. x3270.colorScheme Default default Options Default 3279: default Bright: bright Reverse: reverse Green Screen: greenScreen Defines the colors used to paint the emulator window in 3279 (full-color) mode. This resource is used only when the "x3270.model" specifies a 3279 display. For each color scheme x, an additional resources by the name of colorScheme.x must be defined. x3270.colorScheme.default x3270.colorScheme.reverse x3270.colorScheme.bright x3270.colorScheme.cpe x3270.colorScheme.greenScreen Individual color scheme definitions. Each resource is a list of 23 items: 0 X color to use for IBM "neutral/black" (also used as ANSI color 0) 1 X color to use for IBM "blue" (also used for ANSI color 4) 2 X color to use for IBM "red" (also used for ANSI color 1) 3 X color to use for IBM "pink" (also used for ANSI color 5) 4 X color to use for IBM "green" (also used for ANSI color 2) 5 X color to use for IBM "turquiose" 6 X color to use for IBM "yellow" (also used for ANSI color 3) 7 X color to use for IBM "neutral/white" 8 X color to use for IBM "black" 9 X color to use for IBM "deep blue" 10 X color to use for IBM "orange" 11 X color to use for IBM "purple" 12 X color to use for IBM "pale green" 13 X color to use for IBM "pale turquiose" (also used for ANSI color 6) 14 X color to use for IBM "grey" 15 X color to use for IBM "white" (also used for ANSI color 7) 16 X color to use if one of 0..15 cannot be allocated (white or black) 17 X color to use as the default screen background 18 X color to use as the select background 19 IBM color index (0..15) to use for unprotected, unhighlighted fields 20 IBM color index (0..15) to use for unprotected, highlighted fields 21 IBM color index (0..15) to use for protected, unhighlighted fields 22 IBM color index (0..15) to use for protected, highlighted fields x3270.composeMap Default latin1 Gives the name of the map used to define the pairs of characters that form composite characters with the Compose key. x3270.composeMap.latin1 x3270.composeMap.apl For each compose map x, an additional resource by the name of composeMap.x must be defined. Each line in the resource is of the form "keysym1 + keysym2 = keysym3", meaning "when the Compose key is pressed, followed by keysym1 and keysym2 (in either order), interpret it as keysym3." The definitions are case-sensitive. x3270.cursorBlink Default false Switch -set cursorBlink -clear cursorBlink When set to true, this causes x3270 to use a blinking cursor. x3270.cursorColor Default red On color X displays, this is the color of the text cursor. This resource is used only if the x3270.useCursorColor resource is set to true. x3270.cursorPos Default true Switch -set cursorPos Option Track Cursor -clear cursorPos When set to true, causes x3270 to display the cursor location on the status line. x3270.debugFont Default 3270d The name of the font recognized as the "debug" font. (When x3270 thinks it is using a debug font, it uses a different, slower method to draw the screen.) It is assumed that this is a 3270 font (one with the same ordering as 3270 and 3270-12), but with printable graphics in place of the NULL and field attribute characters, which are normally blank. Usually, the "Debug Font" menu option selects this font. x3270.debugTracing Default true If set to true, options are available on the File menu to trace the 3270 data stream and X events. If set to false, these options are not displayed. x3270.doConfirms Default true When set to true, x3270 will display a pop-up to report successful completion of certain operations, such as screen printing. When set to false, these pop-ups are not displayed. x3270.dsTrace Default false Switch -trace Option Trace Data Stream -set dsTrace -clear Trace When true, x3270 writes a hexadecimal representation of all network traffic, and its interpretation, into the file /tmp/x3trc.<pid>. It also pops up a window to watch the file as it is created, with the pathname of the file as the window title. The command run in the window is defined by the traceCommand resource. The directory prefix is defined by the traceDir resource. x3270.emulatorFont Default 3270 (*) Switch -efont Options 3270 Font (14 point): 3270 8-point Font: 3270gt8 12-point Font: 3270-12 16-point Font: 3270gt16 20-point Font: 3270-20 24-point Font: 3270gt24 32-point Font: 3270gt32 Debug Font: 3270d Other Font... The font used for the emulator window. By default it is 3270, a 14-pixel clone of a real 3278 display font. A nice substitution is 3270-12, which is a little more compact. Actually, x3270 can use any X font, so long as it uses constant spacing. However, only 3270 and 3270-12 allow displaying all special symbols on the status line. (*) Actually, the default for emulatorFont is the value of the first font in the x3270.fontList resource, below. x3270.eof Default ^D Used in ANSI mode, when communicating in line-at-a-time mode (when x3270 gathers a line of input before forwarding it to the host). Defines a special character used for editing input, and has exactly the same function as the "stty" parameter of the same name. x3270.erase Default ^? Used in ANSI mode, when communicating in line-at-a-time mode (when x3270 gathers a line of input before forwarding it to the host). Defines a special characters used for editing input, and has exactly the same functions as the "stty" parameters of the same name. When connected in ANSI character-at-a-time mode (when x3270 sends each keystroke to the host), this is the ASCII character that is sent to the host in response to the Erase action. x3270.eventTrace Default false Switch -set eventTrace Option Trace X Events -clear eventTrace When true, x3270 traces information about the X events that it processes into the file /tmp/x3trc.<pid>. It also pops up a window to watch the file as it is created, with the pathname of the file as the window title. The command run in the window is defined by the traceCommand resource. The directory prefix is defined by the traceDir resource. x3270.ftCommand Default ind$file Defines the host command used to transfer files. x3270.extended Default false Switch -extended *** DEPRECATED RESOURCE -- REPLACED BY NEW x3270.model SYNTAX *** If set to true, enables support of the 3270 Extended Data Stream, which allows extended highlighting, structured fields, and query reply. The actual difference is that a "-E" is appended to the default terminal name which is passed to the host through TELNET negotiations, indicating support for the feature. If the x3270.m3279 resource is true, x3270.extended is automatically assumed to be true as well. x3270.fontList Default: 3270 Font (14 point): 3270 8-point Font: 3270gt8 12-point Font: 3270-12 16-point Font: 3270gt16 20-point Font: 3270-20 24-point Font: 3270gt24 32-point Font: 3270gt32 Debug Font: 3270d The list of menu labels and font names that appear on the Options menu. The first name on the list is used as the default emulator font. x3270.foreground Default black Switches: -fg, -rv The foreground color for menus, buttons, and on monochrome X displays, the emulator display. x3270.hostsFile Default /usr/lib/X11/x3270/ibm_hosts The name of a file listing the host names that appear on the "Connect" pull-down menu. The format of the file is explained on the ibm_hosts man page. x3270.iconFont Default nil2 The font used to paint the text inside the active icon. "nil2" is a one-by-two pixel font that produces a "greeked" picture of the screen image. x3270.iconLabelFont Default 8x13 When activeIcon and labelIcon are true, this is the name of the font used to paint the icon label. x3270.icrnl Default true Used in ANSI mode; similar to the "stty" parameter of the same name. Controls whether input carriage returns are mapped to newlines. x3270.inlcr Default false Used in ANSI mode; similar to the "stty" parameter of the same name. Controls whether input newlines are mapped to carriage returns. x3270.inputColor Default orange On color X displays in 3278 (pseudo-color) mode, this is the color of light-pen selectable fields. If the resource x3270.modifiedSel is set to true, modified fields are also displayed in this color. On monochrome X displays, these fields are indistinguishable from other normal-intensity text. x3270.intr Default ^C Used in ANSI mode, when communicating in line-at-a-time mode (when x3270 gathers a line of input before forwarding it to the host). Defines a special character used for editing input, and has exactly the same function as the "stty" parameter of the same name. x3270.invertKeypadShift Default false When set to true, this causes the PF1-PF12 and PF13-PF24 keys on the pop-up keypad to be swapped. Normally, the low-numbered keys appear; when Shift, Alt, Ctrl or Meta is pressed, the high-numbered keys appear. With this resource set to true, that is reversed. x3270.keymap No Default Switch -keymap The name of the keyboard map to use. If no keymap resource is specified, the environment variables KEYMAP and KEYBD are checked (in that order) for the keymap name. For each keymap x, an additional resource by the name x3270.keymap.x must be defined, which gives the actual key mappings. These are in X translation table format. The name may be followed by any number of comma-separated modifier names, e.g., if the keymap name "sun-k4,ow", means keymap "sun-k4" and modifier "ow". For each keymap modifier x, an additional resource by the name x3270.keymap.x must be defined, which gives the actual key mappings. These are also in X translation table format. x3270.keymap.sun-k5 x3270.keymap.sun-k4 x3270.keymap.sun-k3 x3270.keymap.ncd x3270.keymap.hp-k1 x3270.keymap.hp-pc These are predefined keymaps. x3270.keymap.ow x3270.keymap.apl x3270.keymap.alt x3270.keymap.t x3270.keymap.finnish7 x3270.keymap.norwegian7 These are predefined keymap modifiers: - "ow" makes the mouse work more like OpenWindows defaults - "apl" is automatically applied when in apl mode (the -apl switch is used) - "alt" maps many of the "Meta" key actions to "Alt" key actions, for keyboards which lack a "Meta" key - "t" is useful for keymap debugging; it maps Meta-z to an action that displays the current keymap - "finnish7" and "norwegian7" are for compatibility with certain 7-bit international keyboards x3270.keypad Default right This controls the position of the pop-up keypad. It can have one of four values: left, meaning a pop-up window positioned to the left of the main x3270 window; right, meaning a pop-up window positioned to the right of the main x3270 window; bottom, meaning a pop-up window positioned below the main x3270 window; and integral, making the keypad an extension of the bottom of the main window itself. x3270.keypad.keyHeight Default 24 The height in pixels of all of the buttons on the keypad. x3270.keypad.keyWidth Default 48 The width in pixels of the lower tier of buttons on a horizontal keypad. x3270.keypad.largeKeyWidth Default 56 The width in pixels of the lower tier of buttons on a vertical keypad. x3270.keypad.paWidth Default 36 The width in pixels of PA and cursor keys on the keypad. x3270.keypad.pfWidth Default 32 The width in pixels of PF keys on the keypad. x3270.keypadBackground Default grey70 On color X displays, this is the color of the empty area behind the buttons on the main window and keypad window. On monochrome X displays, these areas are filled with a 50% grey bitmap. x3270.keypadOn Default false If set to true, the keypad will automatically appear when x3270 is started. x3270.kill Default ^U Used in ANSI mode, when communicating in line-at-a-time mode (when x3270 gathers a line of input before forwarding it to the host). Defines a special characters used for editing input, and has exactly the same functions as the "stty" parameter of the same name. When connected in ANSI character-at-a-time mode (when x3270 sends each keystroke to the host), this is the ASCII characters that is sent to the host in response to the DeleteField action. x3270.labelIcon Default false When activeIcon is true, MIT's twm window manager will not put a label on x3270's icon. Setting labelIcon to true causes x3270 to supply its own label for the icon. x3270.lineWrap Default true Switch -set lineWrap Option Wraparound -clear lineWrap When set to true, in ANSI mode x3270 will automatically insert a Newline then output reaches the end of a line. When false, output can pile up at the end of each line. x3270.lnext Default ^V Used in ANSI mode, when communicating in line-at-a-time mode (when x3270 gathers a line of input before forwarding it to the host). Defines a special character used for editing input, and has exactly the same function as the "stty" parameter of the same name. x3270.lockedCursor Default X_cursor The name of the mouse cursor displayed with x3270 is not connected to a host. x3270.m3279 Default false Switch -color *** DEPRECATED RESOURCE -- REPLACED BY NEW x3270.model SYNTAX *** If true and running on a color X display, x3270 runs in full 3279 color mode. If false, x3270 runs in 3278 (pseudo-color) mode, with colors representing different field attributes. x3270.macros x3270.macros.host1 x3270.macros.host2 Defines a set of macros assigned to a pull-down menu that appears when connected to a host. The syntax is similar to a keymap (an X11 translation table), except that rather than a keysym name, the left-hand side is a name that will appear on the menu. Any single action can be specified on the right-hand side. Definitions of the form "x3270.macros.<xxx>" define the macros menu when connected to host <xxx>, which override the "x3270.macros" definitions. x3270.marginedPaste Default false Switch -set marginedPaste Option Paste With Left Margin -clear marginedPaste When set to true, x3270 will use the current cursor position as a left margin for pasted data: no pasted data will be input into an area to the left of the current cursor positon. x3270.menuBar Default true If set to false, the menu bar will not be displayed at the top of the x3270 main window. The three pull-down menus are still available, however, by pressing Ctrl and each of the mouse buttons. x3270.model Default 3278-4-E (mono) Switch -model 3279-4-E (color) Options Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 The terminal model that x3270 is emulating. The model is in three parts, separated by dashes; each part is optional. 3278 or 3279 "3278" specifies a monochrome 3270 display. If used on a color X display, it will cause fields to be drawn in pseudo-color (different colors for different field attributes). This is the default for monochrome X displays. "3279" specifies a color 3270 display. This is the default for color X displays. 2, 3, 4 or 5 The model number, which determines the size of the screen. The default is 4. E An optional suffix which specifies support for the 3270 Extended Data Stream (color, extended attributes, query reply). 3279 implies E. x3270.modifiedSel Default false When set to true, modified fields are displayed in a different color than other modifiable fields. In 3278 mode, this color is the "input" (light pen selectable) color, defined by the x3270.inputColor resource. In 3279 mode, this is the color whose index is defined by the x3270.modifiedSelColor resource. When x3270.modifiedSel is set to false, modified fields are displayed in the same colors as unmodified fields. x3270.modifiedSelColor Default 10 In 3279 mode, when the x3270.modifiedSel resource is set to true, this is the index of the color used to display modified fields. The value is not an X color name or specification; rather it is a 3279 color index, as documented under the x3270.colorScheme resource. The default value is 10, which corresponds to "orange". x3270.mono Default false Switch -mono If set to true, x3270 will operate as if it were running on a monochrome X display. x3270.monoCase Default false Switch -set monoCase Option Monocase -clear monoCase When true, causes x3270 to run in uppercase-only mode. x3270.noOther Default false If set to true, the "Other" options are disabled for selecting fonts and connecting to hosts, limiting users to the options provided on the menus. x3270.numericLock Default false When true, causes x3270 to lock the keyboard when non-numeric data is entered into fields with the Numeric attribute. x3270.normalColor Default green On color X displays in 3278 (pseudo-color) mode, this is the color of normal-intensity text. On monochrome X displays, normal text uses the foreground color. x3270.oerrLock Default true If set to true, operator errors (typing into protected fields, insert overflow, etc.) will cause the keyboard to lock with an error message on the status line. If set to false, the terminal bell will ring, without any keyboard lock or message. x3270.once Default false Switch -once When true, x3270 will exit as soon as a host disconnects. x3270.oversize Switch -oversize Sets the screen dimensions to be larger than the default for the chosen model. Its value is a string in the format "COLSxROWS". It is used only if the value of "x3270.model" includes a "-E" (extended data stream) suffix, and if the specified dimensions are larger than the model number defaults. Also, only hosts that support the Query Reply structured field will function properly with x3270 in this mode. x3270.port Default telnet Switch -port The name of the default TCP port for x3270 to connect to. This can be either a symbolic name from /etc/services, or an integer. x3270.printTextCommand Default lpr The shell command used by the PrintText action. An ASCII image of the 3270 display becomes the standard input to this command. If the first character of the command is '@', the usual pop-up windows before and after the text is printed will not appear. x3270.printWindowCommand Default xwd -id %d | xpr | lpr The shell command used by the PrintWindow action. The X window identifier of the main x3270 window is substituted for any "%d" in the command. If the first character of the command is '@', the usual pop-up windows before and after the window is printed will not appear. x3270.quit Default ^\\ Used in ANSI mode, when communicating in line-at-a-time mode (when x3270 gathers a line of input before forwarding it to the host). Defines a special character used for editing input, and has exactly the same function as the "stty" parameter of the same name. x3270.rectangleSelect Default false Switch -set rectangleSelect Option Select by Rectangles -clear rectangleSelect When set to true, x3270 will always select rectangular areas of the screen. When false, x3270 will select rectangular areas in 3270 mode, but in ANSI mode it will select continuous areas of the screen like xterm. x3270.resizeFontList Default: 3270 3279-12 3270gt8 3270gt16 3270gt24 3270gt32 The list of fonts used to resize the window in response to a mouse (window manager) request. x3270.rprnt Default ^R Used in ANSI mode, when communicating in line-at-a-time mode (when x3270 gathers a line of input before forwarding it to the host). Defines a special character used for editing input, and has exactly the same function as the "stty" parameter of the same name. x3270.saveLines Default 64 Switch -sl The number of display lines to save for the scroll bar. x3270.schemeList Default Default 3279: default Bright: bright Reverse: reverse Green Screen: greenScreen Lists the options on the Color Scheme menu. x3270.screenTrace Default false Switch -set screenTrace Option Save Screen(s) in File -clear screenTrace When true, x3270 will save an ASCII version of the screen image in the file /tmp/x3scr.<pid>, every time it is redrawn. The directory prefix is defined by the traceDir resource. x3270.scripted Default false Switch -scripted When true, x3270 will read commands from standard input. The rules for these commands are documented in x3270script(1). x3270.scrollBar Default false Switches -sb, +sb Option Scrollbar -set scrollBar -clear scrollBar When true, x3270 will display a scroll bar to the right of the emulator window. x3270.secure Default false When true, x3270 will prevent users from executing arbitrary commands from within the program. In particular, the "Execute Action" menu option is disabled, as are the pop-ups which allow editing the commands for "Print Screen Text" and "Print Window Bitmap". See the x3270.noOther resource for additional security options. x3270.selectBackground Default dim gray On color X displays, this is the background color used for selected text (text highlighted with the mouse for cut and paste). On monochrome X displays, selected text is in reverse video. x3270.showTiming Default false Switch -set showTiming Option Show Timing -clear showTiming When true, x3270 will display on the status line the time that the host takes to unlock the keyboard after an AID is sent. x3270.termName Default IBM-327x-n Switch -tn An alternate name to be sent in response to the host's "DO OPTION TERMINAL-NAME" request. The default is "IBM-" followed bu the value of the "x2370.model" resource. x3270.traceCommand Default tail -f The command that is run in the trace monitor window, with its standard input redirected from the trace file. If given the value 'none', no monitor window will be created. x3270.traceDir Default /tmp Defines the directory that data stream traces and screen images are saved in. x3270.typeahead Default true When true, x3270 will store keystrokes in a buffer when the keyboard is locked. When false, these keystrokes will be dropped. x3270.useCursorColor Default false If set to false, the cursor is drawn using the same color as the text behind it. If set to true, on color X displays the cursor is drawn with the color specified by the x3270.cursorColor resource. x3270.visualBell Default false When true, x3270 will flash the screen in response to an ALARM WCC or BELL character, rather than ringing the X display's bell. x3270.waitCursor Default watch The name of the mouse cursor displayed when x3270 is connected to a host, but is unable to process keyboard input. Cursor names are in the file <X11/cursorfont.h>. x3270.werase Default ^W Used in ANSI mode, when communicating in line-at-a-time mode (when x3270 gathers a line of input before forwarding it to the host). Defines a special character used for editing input, and has exactly the same function as the "stty" parameter of the same name. When connected in ANSI character-at-a-time mode (when x3270 sends each keystroke to the host), this is the ASCII character that is sent to the host in response to the DeleteWord action. x3270*keyPad*large*font Default fixed The font used to paint the "large" labels on the keys in the keypad, i.e., the PA and PF keys. x3270*keyPad*small*font Default -*-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-* The font used to paint the "small" labels on the keys in the keypad, e.g., the "Mono Case" key. x3270*value*font Default fixed The is the name of the font used for the input fields in data entry pop-ups. x3270*dataLabel.font Default -*-terminal-medium-r-normal--14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 The font used to display values in the "About x3270" pop-up. x3270*font: Default -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal--12-*-*-*-*-*-*-* The font used for everything else. x3270.baselevelTranslations The default translation table for the main window and keypad. This may be modified with great care, however, it makes more sense to use keymaps to accomplish customizations. x3270.errorPopup.title x3270.infoPopup.title x3270.connectPopup.title x3270.fontPopup.title x3270.keymapPopup.title x3270.oversizePopup.title x3270.keypadPopup.title x3270.printTextPopup.title x3270.printWindowPopup.title x3270.tracePopup.title x3270.screentracePopup.title x3270.executeActionPopup.title x3270.saveOptionsPopup.title x3270.aboutPopup.title x3270.connectPopup.dialog.label x3270.fontPopup.dialog.label x3270.keymapPopup.dialog.label x3270.oversizePopup.dialog.label x3270.oversizePopup*confirmButton.label x3270.printTextPopup.dialog.label x3270.printTextPopup*confirmButton.label x3270.printWindowPopup.dialog.label x3270.printWindowPopup*confirmButton.label x3270.tracePopup.dialog.label x3270.tracePopup*confirmButton.label x3270.screentracePopup.dialog.label x3270.screentracePopup*confirmButton.label x3270.screentracePopup*confirm2Button.label x3270.executeActionPopup.dialog.label x3270.executeActionPopup*confirmButton.label x3270.saveOptionsPopup.dialog.label x3270.saveOptionsPopup*confirmButton.label x3270.connectPopup*confirmButton.label x3270.fontPopup*confirmButton.label x3270.keymapPopup*confirmButton.label x3270*okayButton.label x3270*cancelButton.label x3270*aboutOption.label x3270*disconnectOption.label x3270*exitOption.label x3270*printTextOption.label x3270*printWindowOption.label x3270*executeActionOption.label x3270*fileMenuButton.label x3270*fileMenu.label x3270*optionsMenuButton.label x3270*optionsMenu.label x3270*connectMenuButton.label x3270*reconnectButton.label x3270*macrosMenuButton.label x3270*hostMenu.label x3270*otherHostOption.label x3270*togglesOption.label x3270*fontsOption.label x3270*modelsOption.label x3270*colorsOption.label x3270*keymapOption.label x3270*keypadOption.label x3270*monocaseOption.label x3270*cursorBlinkOption.label x3270*showTimingOption.label x3270*cursorPosOption.label x3270*dsTraceOption.label x3270*eventTraceOption.label x3270*screenTraceOption.label x3270*scrollBarOption.label x3270*lineWrapOption.label x3270*marginedPasteOption.label x3270*rectangleSelectOption.label x3270*blankFillOption.label x3270*underlineCursorOption.label x3270*blockCursorOption.label x3270*otherFontOption.label x3270*lineModeOption.label x3270*characterModeOption.label x3270*model2Option.label x3270*model3Option.label x3270*model4Option.label x3270*model5Option.label x3270*oversizeOption.label x3270*saveOption.label x3270.message.reconnect x3270.message.processId x3270.message.windowId x3270.message.model x3270.message.rows x3270.message.columns x3270.message.mono x3270.message.fullColor x3270.message.pseudoColor x3270.message.extendedDs x3270.message.standardDs x3270.message.terminalName x3270.message.emulatorFont x3270.message.fullFont x3270.message.asciiFont x3270.message.cgFont x3270.message.characterSet x3270.message.defaultCharacterSet x3270.message.keyboardMap x3270.message.defaultKeyboardMap x3270.message.composeMap x3270.message.noComposeMap x3270.message.activeIcon x3270.message.iconFont x3270.message.iconLabelFont x3270.message.staticIcon x3270.message.connectedTo x3270.message.port x3270.message.charMode x3270.message.lineMode x3270.message.dsMode x3270.message.connectionPending x3270.message.notConnected x3270.message.specialCharacters x3270.message.hour x3270.message.hours x3270.message.minute x3270.message.minutes x3270.message.second x3270.message.seconds x3270.message.sent x3270.message.Received x3270.message.received x3270.message.byte x3270.message.bytes x3270.message.record x3270.message.records x3270.message.statusNotConnected x3270.message.statusConnecting x3270.message.statusTwait x3270.message.statusSyswait x3270.message.statusProtected x3270.message.statusNumeric x3270.message.statusOverflow x3270.message.statusInhibit x3270.message.statusScrolled The titles and labels used for nearly every window, menu option, and button. These can be readily translated to Swahili, Hindi, or whatever.