sp.354 - Papers


SP 354 Technologies in Historical Perspectives - Spring 2002

SP 354 Technologies in Historical Perspective                        Spring 2002

Integrated Studies Program




                   The journal invites writers to become conscious, through

                   language, of what is happening to them, both personally

                   and academically.  Each journal entry is a deliberate

                   exercise in expansion.


                                                                   (Fulwiler, 16)


                   [Journals] promote self-examination on the one hand and

                   speculation about ideas on the other. . . the importance

                   of coupling personal with academic learning should not

                   be overlooked;  self-knowledge provides the motivation

                   for whatever other knowledge an individual learns and

                   absorbs. Without an understanding of who we are, we

                   are not likely to understand fully why we study biology

                   rather than forestry, literature rather than philosophy.

                   In the end, all knowledge is related;  the journal helps

                   clarify this relationship.


                                                                   (Fulwiler, 31)




          Keeping journals is an important part is ISP.  We want you to reflect on your own thinking and learning.  Journals give you an opportunity to react, challenge, question, connect, and so on.  Journals invite you to participate actively in your academic and personal life.


          We do not grade journals because we believe that evaluating them defeats their purpose as vehicles of introspection and exploration.  But we do give credit to students whose journals show thought and effort.  And you must complete your journal to pass the course.


          We will collect journals about every two weeks.



   (quotes taken from Fulwiler, Toby.  Teaching With Writing.                                                               

                                                                   Portsmouth, N.H.:  Boynton/

                                                                   Cook Publishers, 1987)



1. General information:
a. You will be assigned papers of various lengths.
b. For most papers, you will be expected to hand in a
rough draft and 2 critiques (see handout on critiques).
c. Set up appointments with either Debra or Freddy if you
would like help with your writing. They want to help you!

2. Requirements for papers:
a. Each page must be between 250 and 300 words.
b. Each page must be double-spaced with 1-inch margins.
c. Each page must be numbered.
d. Each paper must include a cover sheet with paper title, your name
and date.
e. Use your writing folder for handing in all written work.

3. A friendly reminder: we do not accept late work!!