Random Robotics Anonymous Evaluation

This evaluation has two purposes:

First, to give you a chance to anonymously tell Ben and James what you think about the class and the way they ran/organized it.

Second, to provide suggestions to whoever teaches the class next year, and to people thinking about starting seminars like this, or other seminars, in other dorms.

Please take the time to fill it out.

Previous programming experience (C): none some lots

Previous programming experience (any language... BASIC, Cobol, PYTHON, etc...): none some lots

What, if any, of the following things have you done? none some lots

Why do you want to take each of the seminars you checked off above?

What parts of the seminar did you like the most?
What parts of the seminar did you learn the most from?

(doing the structured early projects? working on your own projects? working with other people on projects? talking to/getting suggestions from the "teachers"? from other students? other sources?)

Some Philosophical Questions:

  1. How do you feel about the levels of structure and open-endedness in the seminar assignments? Any suggestions?

  2. Should this seminar happen again at Random next semester?

  3. What advantages/neat things were there to having this seminar in your dorm?
    What disadvantages/strange things?

  4. What things did you like/What things worked well in this seminar?

  5. What didn't work so well in this seminar?

  6. How would you feel about students from other dorms being able to come over to this dorm to take this seminar? Neat? Bad? Why?

  7. Any comments/suggestions on teaching philosophy/style?

  8. Any comments/suggestions on course content/topics?

  9. Other comments/thoughts?