motor(m, p); - Turn on motor #m at power level p.
p can range from -100 (full reverse) to
100 (full speed forward).
If p=0, turn off the motor.
alloff(); OR ao(); - turn all motors off
digital(p) - returns the value (1 or 0) of digital port #p
[digital ports p are numbered from 7 to 15]
analog(p) - returns the value (0 to 255) of analog port #p
[analog ports p are numbered from 0 to 6]
sleep(sec); - waits for roughly #sec seconds
printf("message\n"); - prints "message" on the LCD screen
printf("the value of a is: %d \n", a); - prints "the value of a is: # " on
the LCD screen, where # is the value of
variable a
int a; - define variable a
a = 5; - set a equal to 5.
if (a <= 5) {
[some commands go here]
else {
[some commands go here]
while ((a <= 5) && (a != 0)) {
[some commands go here]
int Square(int x) { - define a new function "Square"
return x * x;
b = Square(5); - use the function "Square"