function [PEB,P] = spm_dcm_peb_full(P,M,field) % Hierarchical (PEB) inversion of DCMs using BMR and VL % FORMAT [PEB,DCM] = spm_dcm_peb(DCM,M,field) % FORMAT [PEB,DCM] = spm_dcm_peb(DCM,X,field) % % DCM - {N [x M]} structure array of DCMs from N subjects % ------------------------------------------------------------ % DCM{i}.M.pE - prior expectation of parameters % DCM{i}.M.pC - prior covariances of parameters % DCM{i}.Ep - posterior expectations % DCM{i}.Cp - posterior covariance % % M.X - second level design matrix, where X(:,1) = ones(N,1) [default] % M.pE - second level prior expectation of parameters % M.pC - second level prior covariances of parameters % M.hE - second level prior expectation of log precisions % M.hC - second level prior covariances of log precisions % % field - parameter fields in DCM{i}.Ep to optimise [default: {'A','B'}] % 'All' will invoke all fields. this argument effectively allows % one to specify which parameters constitute random effects. % % PEB - hierarchical dynamic model % ------------------------------------------------------------- % PEB.Snames - string array of first level model names % PEB.Pnames - string array of parameters of interest % PEB.Pind - indices of parameters in spm_vec(DCM{i}.Ep) % % PEB.M.X - second level (between subject) design matrix % PEB.M.W - second level (within subject) design matrix % PEB.M.Q - precision [components] of second level random effects % PEB.M.pE - prior expectation of second level parameters % PEB.M.pC - prior covariance of second level parameters % PEB.M.hE - prior expectation of second level log-precisions % PEB.M.hC - prior covariance of second level log-precisions % PEB.Ep - posterior expectation of second level parameters % PEB.Eh - posterior expectation of second level log-precisions % PEB.Cp - posterior covariance of second level parameters % PEB.Ch - posterior covariance of second level log-precisions % PEB.Ce - expected covariance of second level random effects % PEB.F - free energy of second level model % % DCM - 1st level (reduced) DCM structures with emprical priors % % If DCM is an an (N x M} array, hierarchicial inversion will be % applied to each model (i.e., each row) - and PEB will be a % {1 x M} cell array. % %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This routine inverts a hierarchical DCM using variational Laplace and % Bayesian model reduction. In essence, it optimises the empirical priors % over the parameters of a set of first level DCMs, using second level or % between subject constraints specified in the design matrix X. This scheme % is efficient in the sense that it does not require inversion of the first % level DCMs � it just requires the prior and posterior densities from each % first level DCMs to compute empirical priors under the implicit % hierarchical model. The output of this scheme (PEB) can be re-entered % recursively to invert deep hierarchical models. Furthermore, Bayesian % model comparison (BMC) can be specified in terms of the empirical % priors to perform BMC at the group level. Alternatively, subject-specific % (first level) posterior expectations can be used for classical inference % in the usual way. Note that these (summary statistics) and optimal in % the sense that they have been estimated under empirical (hierarchical) % priors. % % If called with a single DCM, there are no between subject effects and the % design matrix is assumed to model mixtures of parameters at the first % level. % % If called with a cell array, each column is assumed to contain 1st level % DCMs inverted under the same model. %__________________________________________________________________________ % Copyright (C) 2015 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging % Karl Friston % $Id: spm_dcm_peb_full.m 6427 2015-05-05 15:42:35Z karl $ % get filenames and set up %========================================================================== if ~nargin [P, sts] = spm_select([2 Inf],'^DCM.*\.mat$','Select DCM*.mat files'); if ~sts, return; end end if ischar(P), P = cellstr(P); end if isstruct(P), P = {P}; end % parameter fields %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- try, load(P{1}); catch, DCM = P{1}; end if nargin < 2 M.X = ones(length(P),1); end if isempty(M) M.X = ones(length(P),1); end if nargin < 3; field = {'A','B'}; end if strcmpi(field,'all'); field = fieldnames(DCM.M.pE); end if ischar(field) field = {field}; end % repeat for each model (column) if P is an array %========================================================================== if size(P,2) > 1 for i = 1:size(P,2) [p,q] = spm_dcm_peb(P(:,i),M,field); PEB(i) = p; P(:,i) = q; end return end % second level model (ensure first is a constant or main effect) %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ~isstruct(M) M = struct('X',M); end % use priors from the first level if necessary %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ~isfield(M,'pE') M.pE = spm_vec(DCM.M.pE); end if ~isfield(M,'pC') if isstruct(DCM.M.pC) M.pC = diag(spm_vec(DCM.M.pC)); else M.pC = DCM.M.pC; end end if isstruct(M.pE), M.pE = spm_vec(M.pE) ; end if isstruct(M.pC), M.pC = diag(spm_vec(M.pC)); end % get (first level) densities (summary statistics) %========================================================================== q = spm_find_pC(DCM.M.pC,DCM.M.pE,field); Pstr = spm_fieldindices(DCM.M.pE,q); for i = 1:length(P) % get first(within subject) level DCM %---------------------------------------------------------------------- try, load(P{i}); catch, DCM = P{i}; end % posterior densities over all parameters %---------------------------------------------------------------------- if isstruct(DCM.M.pC) pC{i} = diag(spm_vec(DCM.M.pC)); else pC{i} = DCM.M.pC; end pE{i} = spm_vec(DCM.M.pE); qE{i} = spm_vec(DCM.Ep); qC{i} = DCM.Cp; % and free energy of model with full priors %---------------------------------------------------------------------- iF(i) = DCM.F; end % hierarchical model design and defaults %========================================================================== Ns = numel(P); % number of subjects Np = length(pE{1}); % number of RFX parameters Nq = length(q); % number of RFX parameters Q = {}; % precision components % lower bound on prior precision %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- pP = spm_inv(M.pC); % precision components for empirical covariance %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if Ns > 1 OPTION = 'single'; else OPTION = 'none'; end switch OPTION case {'single'} % one between subject precision component %------------------------------------------------------------------ Q{1} = sparse(Np,Np); Q{1}(q,q) = pP(q,q); case {'fields'} % between subject precision components (one for each field) %------------------------------------------------------------------ for i = 1:length(field) j = spm_fieldindices(DCM.M.pE,field{i}); j = find(ismember(j,q)); Q{i} = sparse(Np,Np); Q{i}(j,j) = pP(j,j); end case {'all'} % between subject precision components (one for each parameter) %------------------------------------------------------------------ for i = 1:Nq j = q(i); Q{i}(j,j) = sparse(i,i,pP(j,j),Np,Np); end otherwise end % priors for empirical expectations %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if Ns > 1; % between-subject design matrices and prior expectations %====================================================================== X = M.X; W = sparse(q,1:Nq,1,Np,Nq); bE = M.pE(q); bC = M.pC(q,q); else % within subject design %====================================================================== if nargin > 1 W = sparse(Np,size(M.X,2)); W(q,:) = M.X; X = 1; else W = M.pE(q); X = 1; end Nw = size(W,2); try, bE = M.pE; catch, bE = zeros(Nw,1); end try, bC = M.bC; catch, bC = eye(Nw,Nw); end end % check for user-specified priors on log precision of second level effects %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Y = spm_cat(qE)'; % bE = pinv(X)*Y; % gE = -log(trace(pP*cov(Y - X*bE))/Np); gE = 0; gC = 1; try, gE = M.hE; end try, gC = M.hC; end % prior expectations and precisions of second level parameters %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nx = size(X,2); % number of between subject effects Nw = size(W,2); % number of within subject effects Ng = length(Q); % number of precision components Nb = Nw*Nx; % number of second level parameters bX = speye(Nx,Nx); bE = kron(spm_speye(Nx,1),bE); % prior expectation of group effects gE = zeros(Ng,1) + gE; % prior expectation of log precisions bC = kron(bX,bC); % prior covariance of group effects gC = eye(Ng,Ng)*gC; % prior covariance of log precisions bP = spm_inv(bC); gP = spm_inv(gC); % initialise parameters %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- b = bE; g = gE; p = [b; g]; ipC = spm_cat({bP []; [] gP}); % variational Laplace %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- t = -2; % Fisher scoring parameter for n = 1:32 % compute prior covariance %---------------------------------------------------------------------- rP = 0; for i = 1:Ng rP = rP + exp(g(i))*Q{i}; end rC = spm_inv(rP); % update model parameters %====================================================================== % Gradient and curvature with respect to free energy %---------------------------------------------------------------------- F = 0; dFdb = -bP*(b - bE); dFdbb = -bP; dFdg = -gP*(g - gE); dFdgg = -gP; dFdbg = zeros(Nb,Ng); for i = 1:Ns % get empirical prior expectations and reduced 1st level posterior %------------------------------------------------------------------ Xi = kron(X(i,:),W); rE = Xi*b; [Fi,sE,sC] = spm_log_evidence_reduce(qE{i},qC{i},pE{i},pC{i},rE,rC); % supplement gradients and curvatures %------------------------------------------------------------------ F = F + Fi + iF(i); dE = sE - rE; dFdb = dFdb + Xi'*rP*dE; dFdbb = dFdbb + Xi'*(rP*sC*rP - rP)*Xi; for j = 1:Ng dFdgj = exp(g(j))*(trace((rC - sC)*Q{j}) - dE'*Q{j}*dE)/2; dFdg(j) = dFdg(j) + dFdgj; dFdgg(j,j) = dFdgg(j,j) + dFdgj; dFdbgj = exp(g(j))*(Xi - sC*rP*Xi)'*Q{j}*dE; dFdbg(:,j) = dFdbg(:,j) + dFdbgj; for k = 1:Ng dFdggj = exp(g(j) + g(k))*(trace((rC*Q{k}*rC - sC*Q{k}*sC)*Q{j})/2 - dE'*Q{k}*sC*Q{j}*dE); dFdgg(j,k) = dFdgg(j,k) - dFdggj; end end end % Free-energy and update parameters %====================================================================== dFdp = [dFdb; dFdg]; dFdpp = spm_cat({dFdbb dFdbg; dFdbg' dFdgg}); Cp = spm_inv(-dFdpp); Cb = spm_inv(-dFdbb); Cg = spm_inv(-dFdgg); % second level complexity component of free energy %---------------------------------------------------------------------- Fc = b'*bP*b/2 + g'*gP*g/2 - spm_logdet(ipC*Cp)/2; F = F - Fc; % best free energy so far %---------------------------------------------------------------------- if n == 1, F0 = F; end % convergence and regularisation %====================================================================== % if F is increasing save current expansion point %---------------------------------------------------------------------- if F >= F0 dF = F - F0; F0 = F; save tmp b g F0 dFdb dFdbb dFdg dFdgg % decrease regularisation %------------------------------------------------------------------ t = min(t + 1/4,2); else % otherwise, retrieve expansion point and increase regularisation %------------------------------------------------------------------ t = t - 1; load tmp end % Fisher scoring %---------------------------------------------------------------------- dp = spm_dx(dFdpp,dFdp,{t}); [db,dg] = spm_unvec(dp,b,g); p = p + dp; b = b + db; g = g + dg; % Convergence %====================================================================== fprintf('VL Iteration %-8d: F = %-3.2f dF: %2.4f [%+2.2f]\n',n,full(F),full(dF),t); if t < -4 || (dF < 1e-4 && n > 4) , break, end end % assemble output structure %========================================================================== for i = 1:Ns % get first(within subject) level DCM %---------------------------------------------------------------------- try load(P{i}); Sstr{i} = P{i}; catch DCM = P{i}; try Sstr{i} =; catch Sstr{i} = sprintf('Subject %i',i); end end % evaluate reduced first level parameters if required %---------------------------------------------------------------------- if nargout > 1 % First level BMR (supplemented with second level complexity) %------------------------------------------------------------------ [Fi,sE,sC] = spm_log_evidence_reduce(qE{i},qC{i},pE{i},pC{i},rE,rC); DCM.M.pE = rE; DCM.M.pC = rC; DCM.Ep = sE; DCM.Cp = sC; DCM.F = Fi + iF(i) - Fc/Ns; P{i} = DCM; end end % second level results %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- PEB.Snames = Sstr'; PEB.Pnames = Pstr'; PEB.Pind = q; PEB.M.X = X; PEB.M.W = W; PEB.M.pE = bE; PEB.M.pC = bC; PEB.M.hE = gE; PEB.M.hC = gC; PEB.Ep = reshape(b,size(W,2),size(X,2)); PEB.Eh = g; PEB.Cp = Cb; PEB.Ch = Cg; PEB.Cph = Cp; PEB.Ce = rC; PEB.F = F; try, delete tmp.mat, end