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(Left to right:) Senior Stephanie Khaguli, junior Vlada Petrusenko, sophomore Anhad Sawhney, and sophomore Matthew Taylor (not photographed but appearing on Khaguli's phone). and Photoshopped teal molecules surround them. Khaguli holds a phone with their group member smiling. Petrusenko holds a device that looks like 3 computer chips inside a plastic case.
Left to right: Stephanie Khaguli, Vlada Petrusenko, Anhad Sawhney, and Matthew Taylor (not photographed but appearing on Khaguli's phone) designed and fabricated a flexible graphene supercapacitor for solar energy storage.

Spotlight: Mar 30, 2023

In EECS class 6.2540, students spend time in MIT.nano’s labs, applying their knowledge of the nanoscale to design and build spectrometers, make quantum dots, fabricate LEDs, and test and package sensors into active displays and systems.


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