Shin Aphorism (8)
Zuiken's Sayings

Translated by Zuio H. Inagaki

"The Buddha Dharma is inconceivable"

The inconceivable Buddha-wisdom reaches your minds through the Buddha's inconceivable skillful means. Excepted, however, are idle people. If you lack the determination and energy to seek the Dharma "even by passing through the fire that fills the whole universe" (the Larger Sutra) you will not be able to see the inconceivable wisdom. If you continuously strive on the Way, you will realize that the Primal Vow-Power - the very essence of the Buddha Dharma - is the only path to the inconceivable emancipation which has indeed been made available for you.

How inconceivable it is that we have attained this awakening! This comes about through 'spiritual correspondence,' not through logical speculation. This mystic correspondence is, actually, made possible by the Buddha's Power - the Buddha's Wisdom and the Power of his Skillful Means. This correspondence is so subtle that there is no knowing how it works. However, even without knowing this, we can feel and accept the Tathagata's inconceivability.

It follows that shinjin is attained without our own power; it is clearly not with a bombu's mind that shinjin is established.

We can only accept with admiration the Great Vow-Power which is ineffable, inexplicable and inconceivable.

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