Shin Aphorism (9)
Zuiken's Sayings
Translated by Zuio H. Inagaki

"What is shinjin?"

Since it is taught in Jodoshinshu that if you attain shinjin, you will be born in the Pure Land, you naturally want to "get" it. At the moment you seek to get it, shinjin becomes some tangible material object - a lifeless substance. The more you chase after it, the farther it runs away - like a shadow.

Shinjin is not a material thing. It is a mental act. In the spiritual world, in the final analysis, there is only Amida's working of Great Compassion. His working comes to us and sets our minds working.

It is only the Buddha's working of Great Compassion and Great Wisdom that saves us. It engenders in us the mind to respond to his working, to take refuge in him, and to entrust ourselves wholeheartedly to him. This mind is called shinjin. In other words, shinjin is nothing but the working of Amida's Mind that penetrates our whole existence and revitalizes it to join the eternal, pure activity - the Vow-Power.

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