Stellar 2 main tomcat Installation and configuration

Setting up the 'S' Webapp

Check out the Stellar code from SVN.

Use the standard developer setup, including maven 2.0.7 and the settings from the shared-build project.

Customize the following:

  • stellar-two-webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml possibly customize OkapiStoreFactory settings
  • stellar-two-webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/ set apacheHostIpList, serverName, set preload true.

Check that /var/local/StoreDirectory and /var/local/stellar-searchindex exist, probably as links to the directories on another partition. Also /var/local/stellar-jive-attachments and /var/local/stellar-jive-searchindex for Jive, /var/local/imagestore for stellar-images, and /var/local/stellar-jforum for Sakai JForum.

For production installation.

Make sure testMode = false; and nomail = false; in stellar-two-site-request/src/main/java/okapi/servlets/okapi/

In stellar-two-jar/src/main/java/okapi/util/ set XSLCACHETIME (how often the XSLT files should be checked for updates) to a reasonable time, e.g. 3600 for a setting of one hour.

Check that stellar-two-site-request/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/reqadmin.list has the current staff.

Make sure that the following are configured for the current term

stellar-two-site-request-webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/xsl/email.xsl and

Set stellar-two-webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/

Be sure stellar-two-webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml has the correct storeDirectory, storeCreationJournal, duplicateStoreDirectory, zipCacheDirectory, and htmlStylesheetFile.

Check stellar-two-webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml



cd /var/local/stellar-svn/amps/stellar/2.0/trunk/
mvn clean install

Use the shared-build project to set up the tomcat and install the libraries needed. If that's already been done for this tomcat, just update the jar.

cp stellar-two-jar/target/stellar-two-jar.jar /var/local/main-tomcat-2.2/shared/lib/stellar-two-jar-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar 

Deploy the S webapp via the .war file or by

cp -rp stellar-two-webapp/target/S/. \
mv /var/local/main-tomcat-2.2/webapps/S/WEB-INF/classes/ /var/local/main-tomcat-2.2/common/classes/

Setting up the 'SR' Webapp

The webapp was compiled along with the main 'S' webapp, and customized above, it needs only to be copies at this step.

cp -rp stellar-two-site-request/target/SR/. \

Setting up the support programs and scripts

Follow the instructions in /var/local/stellar-svn/amps/stellar/2.0/trunk/support/README

Setting up the 'jive' Webapp

The webapp has been compiled and deployed and checked in to subversion in that state. cd /var/local/stellar-svn/amps/stellar-projects/jive/ and customize the following:

  • WEB-INF/jiveHome/jive_config.xml set the serverURL to the correct database, set username and password.
  • WEB-INF/web.xml set the correct jiveHome.

Then do

cd ..
cp -rp jive/. /var/local/main-tomcat-2.2/webapps/jive/ 

Check that /var/local/stellar-jive-attachments and /var/local/stellar-jive-searchindex exist, probably as links to the directories on another partition.

Setting up the '@Stellar' Webapp

In /var/local/stellar-svn/amps/stellar-projects/atstellar/trunk

The data sources should have been set in the context.xml from the shared-build project.

  • webapp/src/main/resources/applicationContext.xml possibly customize OkapiStoreFactory settings (check storeDirectory, storeCreationJournal, and duplicateStoreDirectory)
  • Make sure the current term is set as CURRENTTERM in webapp/src/main/java/edu/mit/stellar/atstellar/actions/ and lastTerm is set in webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views/home.ftl
  • For production, be sure DEVELOPMENT is false in webapp/src/main/java/edu/mit/stellar/atstellar/actions/

Then do

mvn clean install
cp -rp webapp/target/atstellar/. \

Add any logging to the common, and then remove the atstellar file.

cd /var/local/main-tomcat-2.2/
emacs common/classes/  webapps/atstellar/WEB-INF/classes/
rm  webapps/atstellar/WEB-INF/classes/

Setting up the 'Course Guide' Webapp

In /var/local/stellar-svn/amps/stellar-projects/subjectinfo/trunk

The data sources should have been set in the context.xml from the shared-build project.

  • Development data source - for unit testing, set the database SID and password in impl/src/test/resources/ If you get the password wrong, the account will be locked when the tests are run. If this happens, you need to unlock the account by running sqlplus '/ as sysdba' and then using the oracle sql command alter user web account unlock;
  • Enable OTI Integration - This is optional step. Course guide requires OTI web services to present reserved catalog information for subject. To enable OTI, make the following changes:
  • Set oti.service.enabled to true in stellar-projects/subjectinfo/trunk/pom.xml
  • Change oti.service.url property in stellar-projects/subjectinfo/trunk/pom.xml to a valid OTI service endpoint location.
  • Make sure the current term and displayed terms are correct in webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views/list.ftl and stellar/support-files/docs/trunk/stellar-docs/stellar/f/shared/2.1/js/courseGuideLoader.js.
  • For production installation change the section "uncomment to load the cache in a production server" in webapp/src/main/resources/applicationContext.xml

Then do

mvn clean install
cp -rp webapp/target/courseguide/. \

Add any logging to the common, and then remove the courseguide file.

cd /var/local/main-tomcat-2.2/
emacs common/classes/  webapps/courseguide/WEB-INF/classes/
rm  webapps/courseguide/WEB-INF/classes/


For production, remove:



S Stellar
SR Stellar Site Request
atstellar Stellar
courseguide Stellar
jive Stellar
main-monitor nagios monitor