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Required Texts:
- Ruth Schwartz Cowan, A Social History of American Technology (New York: Oxford University Press, 1997)
- Merritt Roe Smith and Gregory Clancey, eds., Major Problems in the History of American Technology (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1998)
This week's assignment:
- Smith & Clancey, pp. 471-496, 516-518; Cowan, pp. 273-299; David Noble, "Social Choice in Machine Design"; Smith & Clancey, pp. 301-327, 384-426; Cowan, pp. 301-327. Reading responses from Maike, Margaret, Sergei, Nimi, Kevin, David Tsai, Zane, and Steven. (Goodness!)
- How to write response papers:
Beginning Wednesday, Feb. 19, several students per week will be required to prepare a 1-2 page response paper to the readings. Here are two documents to help you do these assignments:
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