picture:  An over-perky woman holding a sign saying Athena Student Info System

On-Line Student Access

A Financial and Academic Services Transition (FAST) Team

New Version of Athena SIS released 9/16/96

The enhanced Athena Student Information System includes the following: Immediate access to: In addition to all the previously-available services, namely:

To get instructions on how to use SIS, click here.

What is this team doing?
Our team's goal is to provide students' access to their personal information, grades, and financial information. Initially, we are providing this access through an existing program on Athena called SIS (Student Information System). Our next step will be to provide students access to by the web.

What will this do for me?
If you are an MIT student, you will be able to see more of your on-line record. You'll be able to see if your scholarship checks are in, ready for you to sign. You'll be able to see if your RA/TA appointment reached your student account. You'll get your grades faster than the registrar can mail them to you. You'll be able to change your address on-line.

In the longer term, a student could get all of this information and more on the web. No matter where you are, if you can access a web browser, you will be able to get your grades, change your billing address, or even order a transcript.

For the rest of the MIT community, it will mean that students will be more informed, and will be able to answer their own questions by looking at their own information on-line.

What can I expect in the future?

For Phase II, we will be transferring SIS to the World Wide Web, and adding new functionality and processes:

When will all of this be done? When will I be able to get grades on the web?
The team hopes that the web version of SIS will be done during Spring Term of 1997.

Last Updated: 09/23/96
Hits on this web page since 10/25/96:

If you have any questions or need help with SIS, e-mail sis@mit.edu
If you want to just send general comments, send them to olsa@mit.edu

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