Status of Registration

Check this Status of Registration carefully. You are responsible for immediately reporting any inaccuracies to the Registrar's Office, E19-335, x8-6409

Spring Term 1996-1997

Subject Title Units Level Status
6.001 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs 15 U Reg -- Registered
21L.011 The Film Experience 12 U Reg -- Registered
9.021 Dynamic Neural Processing in the Vertebrate Forebrain 12 U Reg -- Registered
14.12 Economic Applications of Game Theory 12 U Reg -- Registered

Projected Degree Audit

Proj Undergrad Audit in Course 6 3 -- Assumes successful completion of Current Registration -- Institute Requirements not complete: Conc Comp Form, Write 2, 1 HASS subj plus 30 units beyond GIRs Complete: 14.0 GIR subjects (17 req'd) plus 120 units beyond GIRs (189 req'd)

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