MIT Career Development Center

2010 Survey

(If you are not [FIRSTNAME LASTNAME], please contact

Congratulations on your upcoming graduation! Please let MIT ensure that you have a smooth transition by sharing with us what you will be doing after MIT. Many of you already responded to the MIT Senior Survey; this survey will ask more specifically about your plans after graduation.

By informing us of your plans, we can provide you answers regarding MIT graduate's salaries, where they work and pursue graduate study, the employment picture in various fields and other topics related to your career. The survey takes less than 10 minutes to complete.

All the information you submit will be kept confidential. The survey is voluntary and you have the right to leave any question blank. The data will only be presented in summary format with all identifying information eliminated. Thank you for your participation.

Enter the Survey >>

Once you submit a section by hitting the "next" button, your answers will be saved for that section. After you have submitted a section, you may go back to it by using the back arrow on your browser. You may also return to the survey at a later time by returning to the link you received by email. Your previously submitted answers will be displayed for you to edit if you wish. If you edit answers in a section, you must click the "next" button for that section to save the changes.

If you have any trouble with the survey, please contact

Post Graduation Plans

What is most likely to be your principle activity this Fall (Fall 2010)?
Working (including self-employment, internship, starting a company)
Military service
Attending graduate or professional school
Enrolled in another educational program
(e.g., second bachelors degree, post baccalaureate premedical program)
Volunteer activity. Please specify your public service organization
(e.g., Peace Corps, Americorps)
Distinguished fellowship
Postponing job search
Undecided (e.g., deciding between fields)
Other activity, please specify

if postplan10 = 1 (working) or 2 (military service), show work1.html;
if postplan10 = 3 (grad school), show grad1.html;
if postplan10 = 9 (undecided) or BLANK, show undecided.html,
otherwise show career1.html

Post Graduation Plans - Undecided

You indicated you were undecided on your principle activity this Fall. Please describe the different options you are considering.

PROGRAMMING NOTE: show career1.html

Employment: Your Job Search

When did you actively begin your job search?

How many job applications/resumes have you submitted?

How many interviews have you had?

Please select which of the following best describes the current state of your employment plans.
Have accepted a position
Have been offered a position and refused it; still searching for preferred position
Considering one or more specific offers
Currently searching for a position or waiting for an offer
Will begin searching for a position after graduation
Not planning on employment this fall

If you have accepted a position:

Select how many offers you received, including the offer you accepted:

When did you receive the offer that you accepted?

When did you accept the offer that you received?

How much time did you have to accept the offer that you received?

PROGRAMMING NOTE: if JOBPLANS = 1 (accepted position), show work2.html otherwise show career1.html

Employment: Your Job Offer

Employer / Name of Company
Full job title
Approximate yearly salary in US Dollars (not including sign on bonus, moving expenses, tuition assistance, etc.) Enter the value of your salary in US Dollars in the following format: xx,xxx
Salary (Example: 50,000)
Sign on bonus, if you received one Enter the value of your bonus in US Dollars in the following format: xx,xxx (Example: 10,000)
Additional compensation package, if you received one (e.g., moving expenses, bonus for staying with the company for a certain amount of time) Enter the value of your compensation in US Dollars in the following format: xx,xxx (Example: 5,000)
Additional Compensation

Did you negotiate your salary?
Yes. If yes, please indicate the additional salary amount you gained from negotiating:
Don't know

Did you negotiate your sign on bonus or compensation package?
Yes. If yes, please indicate the additional signing or bonus amount you gained from negotiating:
Don't know

Is your job related to your major(s) at MIT?
Not sure

Employer Industry: select the industry that best describes your employer.
Aerospace and Defense
Architecture and Urban Planning
Automotive and Transportation
Business Services (Advertising, Real Estate, Retail)
Chemicals and Materials
Communications, Arts, Entertainment (Sports, Leisure, Media, Film)
Computer Hardware/ Electrical Engineering
Computer Software (Gaming and Software Development)
Energy and Utilities
Financial Services (Commercial Banking, Insurance)
Industrial and Consumer Manufacturing (Construction, Product Manufacturing, Consumer Products)
Investment Banking (Mutual Funds and Money Management)
Non-Profit Agency or NGO
Pharmaceutics (Biotech, Medical Device)

PROGRAMMING NOTE: go to work3.html

Employment: Your Job Offer

How did you find your job? (check all that apply)

How important were each of these factors to you in accepting this job? Essential Very Important Somewhat Important Not Important
Job Content
Fit with culture/environment
Training/educational opportunities
Reputation of Employer
Opportunity for career advancement
Employer was willing to sponsor non-US citizen
Supervision & colleagues
  Essential Very Important Somewhat Important Not Important
Job flexibility & work life balance
Job security
Fit with my experience & skills
Creative & challenging work
Opportunity to make an impact
First job offered
Best opportunity I could find at this time
Ability to meet my expected student loan / education debt payments
One of my top choices
Didn't get into graduate/professional school

PROGRAMMING NOTE: go to career1.html

Graduate or Professional School: Your Search

Please select one of the following to describe where you are in your plans for Graduate or Professional School:

To how many graduate or professional schools did you apply?

How many acceptances have you received?

Did you apply to MIT for graduate school?

If you did not apply to MIT for graduate school, why not?

PROGRAMMING NOTE: GRADSTATUS = 1 (waiting on offer), show career1.html, GRADSTATUS = 2 or 3 (deciding on school or decided), show grad2.html

Graduate or Professional School: Your Field

What will be your general field of study?

Please indicate your specific field of study:

Which degree(s) will you pursue? (check all that apply)

Your School

If you have been accepted to and chosen a graduate or professional school, please tell us which school you will attend, otherwise skip to " Assistance with your School Search " .

Name of graduate or professional school that you will be attending

Assistance with your School Search

Please check all of the people who assisted you in your search for a graduate or professional school: (check all that apply)

PROGRAMMING NOTE: go to career1.html

Global Education and Career Development Center Services

Did you utilize any of the MIT Career Development Center or related services and programs (including on-campus recruiting)during your time at MIT? Check all that apply and indicate your satisfaction with the services.

  I utilized service   Very Satisfied Satisfied Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied
Career Counselor Appointments  
Presentations (Employer or Alumni Panels)  
Workshops on Resumes, Job Search, etc (in person)  
Workshops on Resumes, Job Search, etc. (on-line, webinar)  
MIT Career Center Website  
Career Fairs  
Special Programs (PreCareer Fair Week, Peter Fiske, Jorge Cham)  
On-Campus Recruiting  
Job Lisings on CareerBridge/INET  
Pre-health Advising (pre-med, pre-dental, pre-vet)  
Graduate school advising  
Pre-law Advising  
Self-Assessment (SIGI Plus , Myers Briggs, Strong Interest Inventory)  
Alumni Databases (ICAN, directory)  
Study abroad  
Distinguished fellowships  

(for example: How could your department or the Career Development Center assist you in your career development?)


Have you participated in an internship since you have been in your current program at MIT?

If YES, check all that apply and indicate your satisfaction with the internship: Participated in internship   Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied
Through my department Select department:
Momentum/Second Summer  
Through MIT Career Development Center/On Campus Recruiting (e.g., INET)  
Career fair  

Graduate Students: Did you complete an internship as an undergraduate?

If yes, what type of internship?

Undergraduate Students: Did you complete a UROP?

If yes, in what department/area was your UROP?

If no, please indicate any reasons why you didn't participate in a UROP:

Service and Leadership

Since you have been at MIT have you participated in any service or public service activities?

If yes, please specify the activity:

If no, please indicate any reasons why you didn't participate in any service or public service activities:

Since you have been at MIT have you participated in any leadership activities?

If yes, please specify the activity:

If no, please indicate any reasons why you didn't participate in any leadership activities:

Educational Experience Abroad

During your time at MIT, have you had any educational experiences abroad ( i.e. International UROP, MITSTI internship, Public Service project, CME, Other Study Abroad)?
- please answer Questions A & B
- please skip to Question C & D

A. If yes, what did you learn from the experience(s)?
Do you think the experience helped you to: (Check all that apply)

B. If yes, please check all the educational experiences abroad in which you have participated and the length of time and host country for each experience:

Experience Approximate
Length of Time
MISTI. Please specify Internship, Research at university or public research institute, Workshop, Service Learning, e.g., CETI, OCW, ILABS. Please specify any MISTI experience(s):
Other international internship (specify)
Cambridge-MIT Exchange (CME)
Departmental Exchange (specify)
Other Study Abroad Program, e.g., MIT-Madrid, IAP-Madrid, study in UK or Australia. (specify)
Other international service learning (specify)
International Development Initiative through your department (e.g., Sloan Trek, Sloan Fellows Trips, DUSP Practicum)
International fellowship, e.g., Kawamura Fellowship (specify)
International workshops or conferences
UROP activity that took you out of the country
International Experience during IAP (specify)
Other (specify)

C. If you did not have any educational experiences abroad, please specify to what extent these factors contributed to your decision to NOT PARTICIPATE in an educational experience abroad: Not a factor   To a small extent
2 3 4 To a great extent
Cost (too high)  
Duration (too long)  
Academic concerns  
Lack of interest in going abroad  

D. If you did not have any educational experiences abroad and it would have been possible to go abroad (e.g., no barriers to going abroad), what kind of activity would you have selected?

Thank you for responding to the survey. Please use the space below to elaborate further on any of the questions or to comment on any aspect of your career development at MIT.

Thanks for filling out the survey!

If you have any questions about this survey, please contact