Princeton University The Alumni Survey
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A. Tell us more about your undergraduate major. In which department did you think you wanted to study when you came to Princeton?

B. Which department did you actually major in?

C. If you had it to do over again, which major would you choose?

D. What was your principal consideration in choosing your major?
(Select as many as three.)
I loved the subject
The courses I took were interesting and well taught
I thought it would be a practical choice
Other students I knew were majoring in the department
My parents advised majoring in the department

E. In what ways is your major related to what you do now?
Directly related (e.g. Chemistry/doctor; Electrical Engineering/engineer; Music/composer)
Related (e.g. German/international banker; Ecology & Evolutionary Biology/environmental lawyer; East Asian Studies/foreign service officer)
Not obviously related (e.g. Molecular Biology/head of school; Philosophy/newspaper reporter; Slavic Languages/actor)
Not sure
Not currently employed

F. Which of the following were the most effective sources of academic advice during your first two years at Princeton?
(Select as many as three.)
Your residential college academic adviser
Your director of studies
Your Resident Adviser (RA) or Minority Affairs Adviser (MAA)
Other upperclass students
Other faculty members

G. Where did you take your meals in your junior year at Princeton?
Selective/Bicker eating club
Non-selective/Sign-in eating club
Residential college
Independent – cooked mainly in dormitory kitchens
Independent – ate off-campus

H. Where did you take your meals in your senior year at Princeton?
Selective/Bicker eating club
Non-selective/Sign-in eating club
Residential college
Independent – cooked mainly in dormitory kitchens
Independent – ate off-campus

I. If you had it to do over again, where would you choose to eat?
Selective/Bicker eating club
Non-selective/Sign-in eating club
Residential college
Independent – cooked mainly in dormitory kitchens
Independent – ate off-campus

J. In your extracurricular life at Princeton, which of the following contributed most significantly to your experience?
(Select as many as three.)
Club sports/intramurals (not including varsity athletics)
Religious activities
Student organizations
Community service
Performing arts
Varsity athletics

K. What were the most significant factors in fostering a sense of community in your residential college?
(Select as many as three.)
College-sponsored trips
Study breaks
Organized events with faculty
College sponsored dances and social activities
College gear (sweatshirts, hats, memorabilia)

L. Which of the following would you have been mostly likely to use had they been available to you during junior or senior year?
(Select as many as three.)
Academic support services in your former residential college
Cultural and social events at your former residential college
Academic advice from your former director of studies
Residential college dining facilities
Residential college study spaces

M. Which of the following factors would have encouraged you to reside in a residential college during your junior or senior years?
(Select as many as three.)
More attractive meals
Flexible dining contract that would have allowed membership in an eating club
Better rooming options
Access to more and varied social and cultural events
Increased interaction across all four classes

N. How did you come to know your closest friends at Princeton?
(Select as many as three.)
As roommates freshman year
In my residential college
In classes
In extracurricular activities
In my eating club

Thank you very much for your assistance. Please use the space below to elaborate on any of the questions above and to comment on any aspect of your undergraduate experience not covered in this questionnaire.

Click FINISH to save your entries on this page and finish the survey.