Rice University 2005 Rice University Alumni Survey

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Questions for Alumni of the School of Natural Sciences

1. What was your undergraduate major?
Chemical Physics
Earth Science

How do you rate your experience at Rice in the following courses or activities?

  Very good Good Adequate Poor Very Poor
2. Introductory courses in mathematics
3. Introductory courses in chemistry
4. Introductory courses in physics
5. Introductory courses in biosciences
6. Laboratories
7. Core courses of your science major
8. Specialized or advanced science courses
9. Other courses at Rice
10. Writing and communication
11. Computation and technology
12. Undergraduate research opportunities
13. Undergraduate research experience
14. Summer activities or outside job opportunities

How would you rate the quality of the undergraduate science environment?

  Very good Good Adequate Poor Very Poor
15. The academic quality of peers in your field
16. The quality of the science laboratory facilities
17. The quality of the science computer facilities
18. The quality of the science classroom facilities
19. The quality of advice from your divisional advisor
20. The quality of advice from your department (major) academic advisor

21. What type of interaction with your major undergraduate department would be of greatest interest to you as an alumnus/a?

22. To what professional organizations do you belong? (e.g., American Chemical Society, American Physical Society, Protein Society, American Geophysical Union, etc.)

23. Which of the courses that you took in your undergraduate major or other academic experience at Rice has been the most valuable in your career?

24. Is there a course(s) you wish you had taken or other academic experience(s) to which you wish you had been exposed as an undergraduate at Rice?

25. What experiences of mentoring by faculty while you were an undergraduate at Rice were of greatest importance to your career?

Thank you very much for your assistance. Please use the space below to elaborate on any of the questions above and to comment on any aspect of your undergraduate experience not covered in this questionnaire.

Click FINISH to save your entries on this page and finish the survey.

Rice University