Washington University in St. Louis    The Alumni Survey
  Page 1 of 7  

All references in the following questions to "your undergraduate institution" refer to the liberal arts college or the university that sent you this questionnaire. The "year following graduation" refers to the 12 months after you received your bachelor's degree from this institution.

1. What was your primary activity -- the one to which you devoted the most time -- in the year following graduation from your undergraduate institution? Mark one answer in Column I.a.

In what other (secondary) activities were you involved the year following graduation? Mark as many as apply in Column I.b.

What are your current primary and secondary activities? In Column II mark one primary activity and as many secondary activities as apply for the current year.

  I. Year following
II. Currently
A. Primary B. Secondary A. Primary B. Secondary
Employed for pay
Student in degree program
Internship, paid or unpaid
Seeking employment
Raising a family
Volunteer activities
Military service
Other, please specify:

2. If you were employed for pay as your primary activity in the year following graduation, what were your reasons for making this choice? Mark all that apply.
Not Applicable
Was eager to apply my skills in the workplace
Wanted to begin to influence people and events directly
Desired the income associated with employment
Needed non-academic experience prior to further education
Wanted to start paying off my undergraduate debts
Advanced study inappropriate to my career goals at the time
An advanced degree involved too much debt
Not admitted to preferred graduate or professional school
Tired of being in school
Needed time to sort out my options
Other, please specify:

3. Have you enrolled in a degree program since graduating from your undergraduate institution?
No >> Go to Question 5
Yes >> Mark all degrees received in Column I, and any degree programs in which you are currently enrolled in Column II.

  I. Degrees Received II. Currently Enrolled
Second Bachelor's Degree
Law degree (LL.B. or J.D.)
Medical degree (M.D., D.D.S., D.V.M.)
Master's Degree    
Master of Arts or Science
Other Professional Master's (MSW, etc.)
Other Master's Degree
Doctoral Degree (Ph.D., etc.)    
Biological sciences
Engineering, other applied sciences
Humanities or arts
Physical sciences
Social sciences
Professional doctorate (e.g., education)
Other doctorate, please specify:

4a. Did you attend (or are you now attending) your undergraduate institution for any of your graduate programs?

4b. How well do you think your undergraduate institution prepared you for graduate or professional school when you compare yourself with others in your graduate program(s)?
I was very well prepared
I was generally well prepared
I was adequately prepared
I was inadequately prepared

5. What was your principal occupation in the 12 months following graduation and what is it currently?

Year following graduation

Other occupation:


Other occupation:

6. How would you characterize the course of your career so far?
Staying in the same field (e.g., consistently a biology teacher or a mechanical engineer)
Moving around within one general field (e.g., moving within education or within business)
Changing fields once or twice (e.g., moving from business to education)
Changing fields three or more times

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