Wellesley College The Alumnae Survey
Wellesley College
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A. What was the main source for financing your post-baccalaureate education (graduate or professional school)?
Did not attend graduate or professional school
Personal/family savings or earnings
Other financial aid (e.g., scholarships, grants)

B. To what extent have you made career compromises as a result of family commitments?
Not at all
A little
A fair amount
Very much

C. To what extent have you made career compromises as a result of debts from student loans?
Not at all
A little
A fair amount
Very much

D. What is your personal contribution to total household/family expenses?
I pay all of the household/family expenses.
I contribute more than 50% to the household/family expenses.
I contribute about 50% to the household/family expenses.
I contribute less than 50% of the household/family expenses.
I don't contribute anything.

E. How satisfied are you with your balance between family, work/school responsibilities (if applicable) and other personal interests (e.g., avocations, fitness, socializing, hobbies, leisure activities)?
Very dissatisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Generally satisfied
Very satisfied

F. To what extent in your personal or professional life are you in contact with people of other cultures and countries?
Not at all
A little
A fair amount
Very much

G. Other than the Wellesley Magazine, what has been your most important source of information on Wellesley?
Wellesley Wire
Department newsletters and listserves
Class and Club newsletters
One-on-one contact with students, faculty, other alumnae, staff

H. If the Alumnae Magazine were on-line, would you read it instead of a hardcopy version?
Yes on-line is preferable
On-line OK, but prefer paper
On-line is unsatisfactory; paper much preferred
Either form is acceptable
Not sure

I. In the past year, have you used the Alumnae Association's free "Online Community" site?
(Mark the most important use).
For personal networking (e.g., looking up alumnae with similar interests or experiences for personal as opposed to professional purposes)
For professional networking
For looking up a friend/classmate
For reading/posting class e-notes
I have not used the Online Community Web site

J. What would encourage you to be more involved with Wellesley College?
More events involving my family/spouse/partner
A better sense of the current goals of the college and the college president
A better sense of my value to Wellesley College
More career development opportunities
More contact with students

Have you participated in the following Alumnae Association programs? And, if not, was there a reason you did not?

  No, topics didn't interest me No, too expensive No, offered at inconvenient time No, program too long Yes
K. Regional programs
L. Summer programs
M. Travel programs

To what extent do you feel that any of the following keep you from being involved with Wellesley College?

  Not at all A little Somewhat A fair amount Very much
N. Time or financial constraints
O. People at Wellesley functions don’t seem similar to me (in background, ethnicity, age, interests)
P. Negative feelings about Wellesley
Q. Events too focused on fundraising

R. How would you characterize your political views?
Far left
Far right

S. Please indicate how important it is to you to be involved in volunteer work.
Not very important
Somewhat Important
Very Important

T. Looking back to when you first came to Wellesley, how important was it to you then that Wellesley was a women's college?
I definitely wanted to attend a women's college.
I liked the fact that Wellesley is a women's college, but I wasn't set on the idea of going to one.
It made little or no difference to me that Wellesley is a women's college.
I wasn't that interested in attending a women's college.
I came to Wellesley in spite of the fact that it is a women's college

U. Looking back now as an alumna, how important has it been to you that you attended a women’s college? What were the benefits? What were the disadvantages?

V. Did the diversity of views to which you were exposed at Wellesley contribute to your undergraduate education? In what ways?

W. If you attended (or are attending) graduate or professional school, what was your field and what was your undergraduate major? Were there areas in which you were especially well prepared? If there were areas in which you were inadequately prepared, what were they?

Thank you very much for your assistance. Please use the space below to elaborate on any of the questions above and to comment on any aspect of your undergraduate experience not covered in this questionnaire.

Click FINISH to save your entries on this page and finish the survey.