Yale University The Yale College Alumni Survey
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40A. Do you agree or disagree that Yale effectively communicates news and information relevant to alumni?
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree

For questions 40B through 40D, please indicate your interest level in the following publications:

  Read thoroughly Read sometimes Read seldom I receive it, but do not read it Do not receive
40B. "ELIne," the monthly email newsletter for alumni distributed by the Association of Yale Alumni (AYA)
40C. The Yale Alumni Magazine
40D. "Yale Today," a print newsletter published by the University’s Office of Development

For questions 40E through 40L, how interested would you be in receiving information about the following:

  Strongly interested Somewhat interested Not interested
40E. Faculty research, awards, and recognition
40F. News about Yale College students and student life
40G. Graduate or Professional School activities
40H. International initiatives
40I. Fine or performing arts
40J. The sciences
40K. New or renovated facilities
40L. Other (please indicate with your comments at the end of this survey)

40M. Indicate the one way you currently get most of your information about Yale:
ELIne monthly email newsletter
Yale Today
Yale Alumni Magazine
National or local press
Yale website

40N. Indicate the one way you would most prefer to receive information about Yale:
Email newsletters
Print newsletters
Yale websites
Yale Alumni Magazine
Direct communications from senior administration officials

40O. How does Yale rank as a recipient of your charitable giving?
My highest priority
My second or third priority
A recipient, but not one of my top three priorities
Not a priority at all

The next two questions (40P and 40Q) ask how you feel about New Haven and whether your perception of the city has changed since you were there as a student. The following two questions (40R and 40S) ask for the same information, but from other people's perspectives.

40P. How do you feel about the city of New Haven?
New Haven is a great city.
New Haven is an okay city.
I'm ambivalent about New Haven.
New Haven is not such a great city.
New Haven is an awful city.

40Q. Do you feel that your perception of the city of New Haven has improved or worsened since you were a Yale student?
My perception of New Haven has greatly improved.
My perception of New Haven has somewhat improved.
My perception of New Haven has remained about the same.
My perception of New Haven has somewhat worsened.
My perception of New Haven has greatly worsened.

The next two questions (40R and 40S) ask about others in your community.

40R. How do you think they feel about the city of New Haven?
Other people feel that New Haven is a great city.
Other people feel that New Haven is an OK city.
Other people are ambivalent about New Haven.
Other people feel that New Haven is not such a great city.
Other people feel that New Haven is an awful city.

40S. Do you think their perceptions of the city of New Haven have improved or worsened since you were a Yale student?
Other people’s perceptions of New Haven have greatly improved.
Other people’s perceptions of New Haven have somewhat improved.
Other people’s perceptions of New Haven have remained about the same.
Other people’s perceptions of New Haven have somewhat worsened.
Other people’s perceptions of New Haven have greatly worsened.

40T. Please tell us about the timing for study/work/research abroad you did during your time as an undergraduate at Yale.
I did junior term or year abroad
I took a leave of absence for study/work/research abroad
I did study/work/research abroad over the summer
I did study/work/research abroad during the school term AND during the summer
I did not do any study/work/research abroad

Thank you very much for your assistance. Please use the space below to elaborate on any of the questions above and to comment on any aspect of your undergraduate experience not covered in this questionnaire.

Click FINISH to save your entries on this page and finish the survey.