2009 Alumnae/i Survey

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A. Did you serve in any of the following leadership capacities as an undergraduate?
(check all that apply)

B. In which of the following intercollegiate or club/intramural sports did you participate as an undergraduate, if any? If you did participate, please indicate whether you were a team captain during at least one season.

Sport Participated?
(check all that apply)
Team Captain?
(check all that apply)
Badminton opt07 1 opt19 1
Basketball opt08 1 opt20 1
Crew / rowing opt09 1 opt21 1
Cross-country running opt10 1 opt22 1
Field hockey opt11 1 opt23 1
Lacrosse opt12 1 opt24 1
Rugby opt13 1 opt25 1
Soccer opt14 1 opt26 1
Swimming / diving opt15 1 opt27 1
Tennis opt16 1 opt28 1
Track and field opt17 1 opt29 1
Volleyball opt18 1 opt30 1
C. If you indicated that you participated in a sport while at Bryn Mawr, have you ever since returned to Bryn Mawr for an Alumnae Game?
opt31 1 Yes
opt31 2 No
D. Have you ever responded to a request for financial support from the Athletic Program by making a donation?
opt32 1 Yes
opt32 2 No
E. Would you be willing to offer current undergraduates and/or alumnae career information and advice?
opt33 1 Yes
opt33 2 No
F. Bryn Mawr currently has a "general education" requirement that undergraduates complete courses across all the academic divisions. While this limits student choice, it does ensure a broad exposure to the liberal arts. If it were up to you, would you strengthen this requirement (require more courses in divisions outside of one’s major), reduce the requirement (require fewer courses in divisions outside of one’s major), or leave the requirement as is?
opt34 1 I would strengthen this requirement a great deal
opt34 2 I would strengthen this requirement somewhat
opt34 3 I would keep the requirement about the same
opt34 4 I would reduce the requirement somewhat
opt34 5 I would reduce the requirement a great deal

Please provide Bryn Mawr with your most current, preferred email address:

BEFORE YOU ANSWER: As outlined in the invitation to this survey, the individual answers you provide to this survey will be kept completely confidential in the Office of Institutional Research.

However, the email address you provide below will be used to update our administrative database. Again, please be assured of the security and complete confidentiality of your other survey responses within Bryn Mawr’s Office of Institutional Research. While we appreciate any information you can provide, you are of course free to leave any item, including this one, blank.

Enter your preferred email address here:
[smalltextbox] PREFEMAIL

Thank you for your assistance. Please use the space below to elaborate further on any of the questions above (it is helpful if you refer to the questions by number) or to comment on any aspect of Bryn Mawr. Your comments are of great interest to administrators at your school. They will be reported to officials confidentially.

Select FINISH to save your entries on this page and complete the survey.