Caltech Alumni Survey
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Last Section - Questions from Caltech

We are interested in alumni perceptions of key aspects of Caltech's undergraduate program, including the core curriculum, the Honor Code, research, and the student Houses.

Q1. The Honor Code states: No member of the Caltech community shall take unfair advantage of any other member of the Caltech community. In reflecting on this statement, to what extent has the Honor Code influenced your: Not at all To a slight extent To a moderate extent To a considerable extent To a very great extent
1.1 Awareness of actions that take unfair advantage of others. opt11 1 opt11 2 opt11 3 opt11 4 opt11 5
1.2 Definition of what it means to be an ethical citizen. opt12 1 opt12 2 opt12 3 opt12 4 opt12 5
1.3 Interactions with professional colleagues and acquaintances. opt13 1 opt13 2 opt13 3 opt13 4 opt13 5
1.4 Sense of responsibility for the welfare of people around you. opt14 1 opt14 2 opt14 3 opt14 4 opt14 5
Q2. The core curriculum comprises approximately half of the undergraduate curriculum and includes the introductory science and mathematics courses, science communication courses, plus the required social science and humanities courses. To what extent did the core courses prepare you to: Very poorly Less than adequately Adequately More than adequately Very well
2.1 Analyze, synthesize, and communicate ideas. opt21 1 opt21 2 opt21 3 opt21 4 opt21 5
2.2 Solve challenging problems within and across science and engineering disciplines. opt22 1 opt22 2 opt22 3 opt22 4 opt22 5
2.3 Apply your analytic skills to areas of knowledge outside of science and engineering. opt23 1 opt23 2 opt23 3 opt23 4 opt23 5
2.4 Understand social, economic, cultural, and political issues that are important in our society. opt24 1 opt24 2 opt24 3 opt24 4 opt24 5
Q3. Undergraduate research has increasingly become a part of the Caltech's undergraduate program through the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF), senior theses, academic research credit, and work for pay. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding your research experiences: Disagree strongly Disagree somewhat Neither disagree or agree Agree somewhat Agree strongly   Not applicable
3.1 Influenced the direction of my academic and/or career path after graduation. opt31 1 opt31 2 opt31 3 opt31 4 opt31 5   opt31 9
3.2 Improved my communication skills. opt32 1 opt32 2 opt32 3 opt32 4 opt32 5   opt32 9
3.3 Increased my understanding of the research processes in my field. opt33 1 opt33 2 opt33 3 opt33 4 opt33 5   opt33 9
3.4 Improved my ability to integrate theory and practice. opt34 1 opt34 2 opt34 3 opt34 4 opt34 5   opt34 9
3.5 Provided a connection with a Caltech faculty member. opt35 1 opt35 2 opt35 3 opt35 4 opt35 5   opt35 9
Q4. In reflecting on your undergraduate education, please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with following statements: Disagree strongly Disagree somewhat Neither disagree or agree Agree somewhat Agree strongly
4.1 Lessons from living on a campus with an Honor Code are easily extrapolated to “real life.” opt41 1 opt41 2 opt41 3 opt41 4 opt41 5
4.2 The Honor Code supported respectful, tolerant relationships between students. opt42 1 opt42 2 opt42 3 opt42 4 opt42 5
4.3 Caltech's Honor Code promotes the idea of individual responsibility for collective well-being. opt43 1 opt43 2 opt43 3 opt43 4 opt43 5
4.4 The intellectual breadth of the core curriculum was valuable. opt44 1 opt44 2 opt44 3 opt44 4 opt44 5
4.5 Core classes helped to promote collaboration between students. opt45 1 opt45 2 opt45 3 opt45 4 opt45 5
4.6 The core courses were more difficult than the courses within my major. opt46 1 opt46 2 opt46 3 opt46 4 opt46 5
4.7 The number of core courses should be increased. opt47 1 opt47 2 opt47 3 opt47 4 opt47 5
4.8 Participation in undergraduate research was an integral part of my undergraduate education. opt48 1 opt48 2 opt48 3 opt48 4 opt48 5
4.9 The student Houses promoted a sense of community. opt49 1 opt49 2 opt49 3 opt49 4 opt49 5
4.10 The Houses provided opportunities for student leadership. opt410 1 opt410 2 opt410 3 opt410 4 opt410 5
4.11 I was satisfied with my experiences in living in the Houses. opt411 1 opt411 2 opt411 3 opt411 4 opt411 5
4.12 Caltech's undergraduate program prepared me to become a leader in my field. opt412 1 opt412 2 opt412 3 opt412 4 opt412 5

Q5a. What do you see as the strengths and weaknesses of your undergraduate education now, compared to while you were at Caltech?

Q5b. What aspects have become more or less important as your life has progressed?

Q6. We would also like to serve you better as an Alumnus. Please rate how important the following general activities and services provided by the Institute are to you: Not important Slightly important Moderately important Very important Extremely important
6.1 Providing face to face interaction with other alumni. opt61 1 opt61 2 opt61 3 opt61 4 opt61 5
6.2 Providing online networking opportunities (business or social). opt62 1 opt62 2 opt62 3 opt62 4 opt62 5
6.3 Keeping alumni informed in general about what's happening at Caltech. opt63 1 opt63 2 opt63 3 opt63 4 opt63 5
6.4 Keeping alumni updated on Caltech faculty research. opt64 1 opt64 2 opt64 3 opt64 4 opt64 5
6.5 Providing career and professional development resources. opt65 1 opt65 2 opt65 3 opt65 4 opt65 5
6.6 Providing ways for alumni to support Caltech financially with donations. opt66 1 opt66 2 opt66 3 opt66 4 opt66 5
6.7 Providing ways for non-alumni to support Caltech financially with donations. opt67 1 opt67 2 opt67 3 opt67 4 opt67 5
Q7. Please rate Caltech's performance in the areas addressed in Q6. Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent
7.1 Providing face to face interaction with other alumni. opt71 1 opt71 2 opt71 3 opt71 4 opt71 5
7.2 Providing online networking opportunities (business or social). opt72 1 opt72 2 opt72 3 opt72 4 opt72 5
7.3 Keeping alumni informed in general about what's happening at Caltech. opt73 1 opt73 2 opt73 3 opt73 4 opt73 5
7.4 Keeping alumni updated on Caltech faculty research. opt74 1 opt74 2 opt74 3 opt74 4 opt74 5
7.5 Providing career and professional development resources. opt75 1 opt75 2 opt75 3 opt75 4 opt75 5
7.6 Providing ways for alumni to support Caltech financially with donations. opt76 1 opt76 2 opt76 3 opt76 4 opt76 5
7.7 Providing ways for non-alumni to support Caltech financially with donations. opt77 1 opt77 2 opt77 3 opt77 4 opt77 5
Q8. From which of the following do you prefer to obtain news and information about Caltech? Please rate how important each method is to you: Not important Slightly important Moderately important Very important Extremely important
8.1 Publications and printed materials from Caltech. opt81 1 opt81 2 opt81 3 opt81 4 opt81 5
8.2 Email and e-newsletters from Caltech. opt82 1 opt82 2 opt82 3 opt82 4 opt82 5
8.3 Alumni, faculty, students, or friends via word of mouth. opt83 1 opt83 2 opt83 3 opt83 4 opt83 5
8.4 Official Institute websites. opt84 1 opt84 2 opt84 3 opt84 4 opt84 5
8.5 Other online sources (blogs, non-Caltech websites, social networking sites). opt85 1 opt85 2 opt85 3 opt85 4 opt85 5

Q9. Thank you for your assistance. Please use the space below to elaborate further on any of the questions above (it is helpful if you refer to the questions by number) or to comment on any aspect of the California Institute of Technology.

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