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Important: We ask the following questions to get a better sense of our population; Carleton will NOT use responses to solicit you as an individual. All results from this survey will only be reported in the aggregate. Personal identifying information will be stripped from the analysis file, and the raw data will be available only to the office of Institutional Research and Assessment.

The following is a list of general programs, services, or information provided by the College for alumni. Please rate how important each one is to you. If you were not previously aware of a program, service, or information please indicate this by selecting "Not applicable."

  Very Important Important Somewhat Important Not at all Important Not Applicable
1. Social and lifelong learning opportunities opt01 1 opt01 2 opt01 3 opt01 4 opt01 5
2. Presentations by Carleton faculty opt02 1 opt02 2 opt02 3 opt02 4 opt02 5
3. Information about Carleton students and faculty opt03 1 opt03 2 opt03 3 opt03 4 opt03 5
4. Information about Carleton alumni opt04 1 opt04 2 opt04 3 opt04 4 opt04 5
5. Updates on Carleton’s financial status opt05 1 opt05 2 opt05 3 opt05 4 opt05 5
6. Updates about annual giving or the capital campaign opt06 1 opt06 2 opt06 3 opt06 4 opt06 5
7. Class, affinity, or other reunions opt07 1 opt07 2 opt07 3 opt07 4 opt07 5
8. Alumni travel opportunities opt08 1 opt08 2 opt08 3 opt08 4 opt08 5
9. Online audio/video about the College opt09 1 opt09 2 opt09 3 opt09 4 opt09 5

Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with the following statements:

  Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable / Don't Know
10. Carleton’s national reputation has improved since I was an undergraduate. opt10 1 opt10 2 opt10 3 opt10 4 opt10 5
11. My Carleton connection has helped me in my further educational or career pursuits. opt11 1 opt11 2 opt11 3 opt11 4 opt11 5
12. Deciding to go to graduate school within 5 years after Carleton was a sound decision. opt12 1 opt12 2 opt12 3 opt12 4 opt12 5
13. It is important to receive the information in Elements, the annual report to donors. opt13 1 opt13 2 opt13 3 opt13 4 opt13 5
14. In Elements, beyond donor lists, I read other content, such as the president's report, giving stories, and reunion giving information. opt14 1 opt14 2 opt14 3 opt14 4 opt14 5
15. If the Elements donor lists were available only online, I would visit Carleton's web site to view the lists. opt15 1 opt15 2 opt15 3 opt15 4 opt15 5
16. Carleton needs my financial support. opt16 1 opt16 2 opt16 3 opt16 4 opt16 5
17. Carleton deserves my financial support. opt17 1 opt17 2 opt17 3 opt17 4 opt17 5

Please rate your interest in the following:

  Low Interest Low to Moderate Interest Moderate Interest Moderate to High Interest High Interest
18. Volunteering for Carleton's priority alumni programs (e.g. admissions, regional programs, reunion, affinity groups, fundraising) opt18 1 opt18 2 opt18 3 opt18 4 opt18 5
19. Alumni helping current students determine their career path opt19 1 opt19 2 opt19 3 opt19 4 opt19 5

Your brief responses to the following questions are valuable and will help us to know more about issues that could not be addressed elsewhere in the survey. (Note that we may share your comments anonymously to help improve College programs, and/or we may quote from them in summary reports or other Carleton materials.)

20. If you could make a gift beyond your usual Alumni Annual Fund giving, to what purpose(s) would you like to target it? Why?
comm1 [TEXTBOX]

21. What are Carleton's distinctive qualities?
comm2 [TEXTBOX]

22. What would you like to see added to the Carleton web site?
comm3 [TEXTBOX]

23. What is the single most important thing that Carleton could do to better connect you to the College?
comm4 [TEXTBOX]

24. What suggestions do you have to enhance the Voice magazine, both in print and online?
comm5 [TEXTBOX]

Thank you for your assistance. Please use the space below to elaborate further on any of the questions above (it is helpful if you refer to the questions by number) or to comment on any aspect of the college or university. Your comments are of great interest to administrators at your school. They will be reported to officials confidentially.

Select FINISH to save your entries on this page and proceed to the next page.