Subject: Columbia Alumni Survey Date: Thu, 07 May 2009 12:28:12 -0400 From: Geoffrey Colvin To: Jagruti Patel Dear Jagruti, I am writing to inform you of a survey Columbia will be conducting in the coming weeks and to encourage you to participate. In the years since we graduated, we've had a chance to get established in our careers, to further our education, and to gain a clearer perspective on our undergraduate education. To assist the College in assessing its goals, it will be helpful to hear from you about the topics covered in the survey. This is a good time for us to give Columbia the benefit of our insights and experience. I hope at your earliest convenience you will take the twenty minutes or so needed to complete the survey. Please visit your personal web survey link: Your personalized URL enables us to avoid sending you reminders once you have completed the survey, and to link your responses to other information in our files in order to increase the usefulness of the survey. All of your responses will be kept completely confidential. To gain a comparative perspective, responses from our classes will be studied in the context of those from comparable alumni from other similar private colleges and universities. Our feedback on this survey will be one of the best ways that we, as alumni, can influence the future direction of our alma mater. Thank you. Sincerely, Geoffrey Colvin, President Columbia College Alumni Association